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Fire:Did you tell him that you fell in love with Winter then broke up with him. 

Ice:No but he'll forgive me he's like a mini version of Darkdew without the evil part. 

Fire:Well at least he agreed for you guys to take break. 


Fire:Are you bouncing on a trampoline? 

Ice:Uh huh.

 Fire:Heat didn't die. 

Ice:I'm not sad. I mean I would be but Murderclaws is coming! I'm so excited I could-

Ice:*enchants the trampoline to have a bunch of Murderclaws jump with her*. 


Fire:It's a good thing he has the same obsession about you.

 *Murderclaws and Nightingale appear*. 


Ice: crashes into him*. 

Murderclaws:ICE!!! WOOHOO. 

Ice:I have something to say.


Ice:I kinda fell in love with Winter but then we broke up and then you came and now I'm so HAPPY!!!

 Murderclaws:Well as long as you come back to me. 

Nightingale:Guys! I'm so excited so who is coming today. He has never done this before. 

Fire:Oh well they just appear. 

*players appear*.

 Fire:And there here. 

Frost:Uh who are you and what are you doing with our daughter. 


Ice:Guys don't worry this is my boyfriend Murderclaws. 

Swordtail:Who names their kid that? 

Nightingale:I mean Mother says the first word he said was murder and then he looked at his claws so that's how the name stuck. I mean I used to call him Diggerclaws but that was when I couldn't pronounce my m's. 

Cactus:So what do they have to do with us? 

Fire:They are someone's kids here. 

*Everyone looks at each other*. 

Nightingale:Can I say it? 

Ice:I mean sure their your parents.

 Nightingale:We're the proud dragonets of...DARKCHANGER!!!

 Murderclaws/Nightingale:*Put party hats on Darkdew and Fatechanger*.

 Murderclaws:Woo yeah. *plays trumpet*. 

Fire:Party time. *sets off illegal fireworks*. 

Nightingale:Do do do do do we're safe and sound do do do do. *sings a bunch up random songs*. THIS IS HOW LEGENDS ARE MADE WOAH OHHH. 

Ice:Hey guys this is not time for a party look at your parents faces. They're not showing any emotion. 


 Fire:I'll just um-what illegal fireworks. *shoots them at the wall making a giant hole*. 

Darkdew/Fate:WHAT IN THE MOONS!!! 

Reflection:*cocks gun*. Ok everyone we prepared for this. Remember? 1.Kill the dragonets. 2.Tell Fate she married the wrong dragon. 3.Kill Darkdew. 4.Help Fate get over her misery and get her to fall for another not evil dragon. Gender doesn't matter as long as she's happy. 5.Everything goes back to normal with a no Darkdew universe. 

Truth or Dare with the JW, D.O.D, Pantala group, and my oc's (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now