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It was a cold and rainy night . Felix, who had woken up because of the storm going on outside, absolutely hated it. If there was one thing that the boy couldn't stand, it was the cold. So what do you think was his best option? Of course, it was going to his boyfriends room to cuddle and keep warm. So that's what felix did. He got out of his bed and went to his boyfriends room. He first knocked on the door even though he didn't expect an answer. After all, it was already 2 in the morning, and Chan should be sleeping by now.

Felix entered Chans room only to see it empty. At first, Felix was confused as to why his beloved boyfriend was not sleeping in his bed, and when he couldn't find him anywhere in his room ,it hit him. Chan was probably overworking himself again and was still in the studio. So he took off too his boyfriends studio worried him not sleeping again.

Felix knocked on the door again, but this time on the door off the smale studio they built inside their house. They built because they knew they couldn't stop Chan from working overtime completely.  This time, he got a response. He heard a tiny come in from behind the door. Felix opened the door to see his chan still working. Felix sighed at the look of the one he loved. He looked tired, yet that didn't stop him from working. Chan looked at who entered the studio this late at night. He was shocked to see his cute boyfriend up this late.

'What are you doing up so late baby'. Asked Chan. 'I could ask you the same channie I thought we agreed that you wouldn't work later that 11pm. Yet here you are at 2 am still working.' Felix responded. Chan looked away, not sure how to react. It was true that he promised that he would stop working this late after he almost passed out after not sleeping for 4 days straight. He promised because he didn't want to worry Felix and the others  anymore.' I'm sorry baby, I just want to finish this, and then I'll go to sleep, I swear.'Chan said, trying to resure him. 'We both know that's not true. You won't sleep at all if I leave you now. Come on, let's go to sleep. You can work on this tomorrow.'Felix looked at his boyfriend with begging eyes, hoping he would say yes.

let's be honest, nobody could say no to felix when he looked at you like a cute puppy, so why would chan be able to say no. Chan sighed a little but made sure al his work was saved, and then he got up from his chair and went over to give his baby a kiss and hug.' Well then, let's go to bed and sleep. You also look tired, my love.'chan said, smiling at him. Felix smiled back and nodded they went to chans room and laid down cuddling.

'Why were you awake this late baby? You would normally already be asleep this late at night.'I couldn't fall asleep again after that stupid storm woke me up so I went to look for you but when I didn't find you in your room I realised you were probably still working.' Chan smiled at his boyfriend he found it adorable how felix knew him that wel. 'I'm glad you  came because now I can cuddle with my favourite person in the whole world.' Felix chuckled at his boyfriend even after years of dating he still blushed when chan said things like that.

'Let's go to sleep now. Otherwise, we will be dead tired tomorrow.' Said felix while still blushing. Chan kissed felix goodnight, and the couple fell asleep cuddling together with smiles on their faces.

The end

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