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Tw! Mentions of abuse and trauma, if you are sensitive, please don’t read. This is the first time im trying something more angsty, but it will still have a happy ending. I hope you guys like it (:

Felix felt numb. He didn't know when he stopped feeling things, but somewhere between getting kidnapped, being experimented on, and all the abuse he had suffered through, he had lost touch with his emotions. He learned pretty quickly that crying and begging them to stop only made things worse. His tormenters got sick pleasure of seeing him break over and over again until he couldn't even stand on his two legs anymore.

He noticed the pleasure they got out of his suffering, so he locked all his emotions away. He refused to give them the satisfaction of a reaction. The way he felt things and the way he showed emotions was the only thing he had control over, so he  made sure that they would never see a tear run down his face again.

He didn't understand why they took him. He was just a normal boy walking home from his night shift when suddenly someone came from behind and knocked him out. He woke up in a white room with no furniture he was chained to the wall with shackles around his ankles and his neck. He was so scarred he couldn't utter a word. He had started pulling on chains, trying to get them to loosen up, but he quickly figured that there was no use.

Suddenly, someone entered the room. He went closer to felix, reaching out to him. Felix tried to back away from the man but the chains kept him from protecting himself. The man clipped the chains of the wall and started to pull on the chains roughly to get Felix to move. Felix refused to move he didn't know what was happening, and he was starting to panic.

The man got angry and started shouting at him to move and also started pulling directly on his arms with a grip tight enough to leave bruises. The more he struggled to get free, the more aggressive the man became. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his neck. He started feeling dizzy, and before he could curse at his kidnapper once more, he passed out.

When felix woke up again, he was in a different room straped down on a table. There was also something wrapped around his mouth that prevented him from talking.  After that, the memories became blurry. He remembered needles piercing his skin and knives, making deep cuts. He remembered crying out, begging them to stop and to let him go. He remembered asking over and over why, why him, why, what do he done wrong to deserve this. He remembered the masked man laughing at his misery, finding sick pleasure on testing all sorts of chemicals on his body.

After a month passed Felix realised it was dumb to keep fighting that every day would be same even if he tried to fight the masked man who didn't bother interacting with him unless it was to hurt him. It was useless because nothing would change. He would die in this hell-hole, not even knowing how long he has been stuck there.

He was lying on the ground of his room, looking at the ceiling like he did every day when he heard something he had never heard before. He heard shouting, loud noises, gun shots being fired, and people running around. Felix was confused, and for the first time in a very long time, he was scarred.

Felix crawled to a corner in his room, wanting nothing more than to hide away from the loud noises. He crulled in on himself, trying to make himself as small as he possibly could. He hoped that if he made himself small enough than whoever was make all that noise wouldn't find him.

He froze in fear when he heard his door open. He looked up, expecting to see one of the masked men he saw every day but was shocked when he saw a man he had never seen before. The man took a step closer in his deraction, trying to get closer to the boy. Felix pushed himself even more into the wall, not knowing how to react.

" Hey, it's okay. I'm not here to hurt you." He heard the man say. He looked at him confused. This man must be lying. No one ever came in his room unless it was to hurt him." I promise. I just want to help." The man said softly, trying not to scare the boy in front of him. Felix shook his head, covering his ears. He was just hallucinating again. There was no way someone would want to help.

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