Promise Me a Place

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You huffed as the Gyatso children flung pieces of rock at you with their air bending. You knew that even though air benders seemed soft because all they seemed was to 'blow a gust of wind' at people, they did much more than that.

They trained their bodies to handle heavy weights and pushed their minds to the highest levels, therefore pushing it against being the strongest elemental users. Any element could be used with another. For example: both earth, fire, and water benders could use other elements to make their attacks more defensive.

Earth could use air to shot out shards of rock, water benders could create blizzards, and Earth benders could set pieces of rock on fire. But people have yet to use such tactics. Not that they needed to much more. Kuvira was gone. At least that's what they thought.

"How about we take a break guys?" You asked huffing, even though you had already sat down and had taken a water bottle in your hands. Meelo groaned at the request. "Aww come one! We haven't even got to the good part yet!" Meelo pleaded, huffing at your exhausted head shake.

"Can you stop being such a pus-" Meelo started, but cut his sentence short seeing the hard glare you gave him. Silently warning him to watch his mouth. He thought he could get away with it when it came to you and cursing. His parents had constantly done it when something went wrong and even though you were new to the scene, you had often done so lot as well.

"What was that?" You asked standing and walking over to the shivering boy, easily towering over him due to your adult height."N-nothing at a-all." Meelo said, just loud enough for you to hear. Mentally cursing himself at how he stuttered.

You held your hard gaze for another second before smiling brightly at him and patting his shaven head."Well, I'm gonna head inside and get ready for the Gala tonight. See you later!" You announced before heading to the door.

The kids wouldn't admit it to your face, but you were scary as fuck when you were mad and rarely happened. They knew that you were practically as frightening as their mother when they did something stupid and they gladly take the chance not to die.

You hummed quietly to yourself, smile present on your face as you closed your eyes walking to your room. Most people would wonder how you did so without falling over something, not realizing that one of your mentors was literally the daughter of the person who created metal bending.

You couldn't hear of feel a heartbeat thumping through the floors or walls. Well, that was until a body crashed against yours, making you fall butt first on the ground.

You groaned in pain, looking down at your now sore behind and rubbing it. Looking up, your mouth opened to apologize to the person you bumped into but your mouth shut promptly at who it was.

"Bolin?" You asked, not sure if it was him. If it was him, he had certainly grown out of overgrown puppy faze. His body was more sturdy and muscular, his hair had grown out neatly just above his shoulders and there was a slight show of stuble on his jawline.

"Yes, that's me." The boy- well man answered you, hissing as he touched the back of his bruised head. His eyes fluttered open to meet yours, zooming in your face and analyzing.

"Y/n!" He gasped, lurching his body forward so he was on all fours in front of you. He looked like a overgrown puppy all over again as his eyes shined with hope. You chuckled slightly, scoffing playfully while nodding at him. He launched his body into yours, engulfing you in his tight embrace.

You chuckled, ruffling his long hair between your fingers as he lifted you up in the air."Still the same puppy, I see." You murmured, making him pull back with a pout on his face."Well, sorry. I'm just happy to see my best friend after three years of her disappearance." Bolin sassed.

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