February 19, 2022

38 2 5

Negative thoughts fill my head. At the moment I just want to change myself. So I'm gonna give this another go. A little less than a year ago, I tried this and it clearly didn't help any. The year 2022 is a year that I want to live to the fullest. My life as a whole, hasn't been that fulfilling. I'm constantly worrying about everyone else while I'm exhausted and dying inside! There's so many things that have affected my life bad way and I'm hoping to get rid of them. It's time to change for the better.

Goals of this book:

•express myself

• improve myself

•try to become happy again

• gain confidence <3


One thing that I used to do that made me ultimately happy was dance. I used to dance a lot. Not in front of many people of course because I'm very very shy. But I danced. I made my own, I made covers, and things of that nature. January of 2021 my life changed drastically in a bad way. I made 1 mistake and my happiness got taken away from me and I'm still mentally ill because of that. My mental illness has not been diagnosed nosed but I know that something is wrong with me. I've asked for therapy, a counselor, something! But I guess my parents really don't care about what's going on inside my head. Another thing that used to make me happy is writing lyrics, or producing music. Music is a big part of my life so it was my kind of inevitable that I would make it. There has been times where my parents have banned me from listening to music... 😃 yeah great times.

Well I guess that concludes of the first chapter 😁 yayyy *happy claps* uh I hope you enjoyed reading this absolute mess. If you didn't welp sorry.

Much love


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