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Uhm hi have you ever like I don't even know how to put this but have you ever not felt comfortable in your own skin like the skin you grew up in the one you live in everyday I feel like that a lot and its become an obstacle in my life and how I want to and how i go about living I hide myself from the people I love and people who love me I isolate myself I push everyone away and just sit there lonely not knowing what to do I told one of my closest friends that I don't do physical contact anymore like just don't touch me and I just don't want I don't fucking know I am the reason I am not happy I'm the reason the love of my life doesn't love me back I'm the reason my life is miserable I don't want to live like this I don't want to live anymore its just too much I want to change I want to be confident I've made so many versions of myself that I don't know who the hell I am I need help y'all I need help I've asked for a.counselor a therapist but my mom won't get me one how am I supposed to live like I'm not feeling this way its like.the world has lost faith in me I have lost faith in me

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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