💔You betrayed me...💔

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Authors Note: TW mentions of cheating

Jake was skimming through book shelves, in search of a book for his history assignment. At the same time, he was drowning out all noise around him with his headphones on while quietly humming to the music. Eventually he heard a slight beeping noise. When he looked at his phone, he saw his headphones were low on battery

"Damn it..." he sighed, turning his music off. "Hopefully if I leave em off till I get on the bus they'll be fine..."

In the silence, Jake heard talking from a few shelves over. Two familiar female voices. Zoey and Lia, to be exact

"We should so go out somewhere! Perfect opportunity for you to wear those heels!"

"Oh my god, yes!"

"So I take it Drew still hasn't found out about you know who?"

"Yeah, and he can't...he doesn't know about ANY of it"

Jake continued to listen as the two snobs talked back and forth, their entire conversation centered around Zoey's continues cheating on Drew with some other guy. The mentions of this other guy were vague and not very detailed, but that still meant something  After a short while, he heard Lia mention how if she and Zoey did go out, she wouldn't have anyone to go with

That gave Jake an idea. Lia wasn't any better of a person that Zoey was. If she was, she would've told Jake about Zoey cheating in him. So maybe he could “help” with that. And, at the same time, get more information about Zoey's secret

Zoey walked away from Lia, and Jake walked over to her soon after that. "Evening, Lia." he smirked

Lia looked up. "Oh, hey Jake."

"So, what's this I hear about Zoey cheating?"

Lia glared at Jake. "You were snooping on us?!"

Jake smirked. "Maybe I was."

Lia sighed, and said "Well, you're not getting anything out of me. Zoey's my best friend, and this is something she trusts me with"

"Well, Lia..." Jake said taking a step closer. "What if I told you I could get you a date for when you and Zoey go out. Maybe with some nice guy off the soccer team?"

"A date? Really? You'd do that?"

Jake nodded. "However, a price is needed."

Lia sighed and pulled her wallet out of her sweater pocket. "How much do you want." Jake shook his head. "I don't want money, Lia. I'd rather know more about Zoey's cheating..."

Lia sighed. She didn't wanna look like a loser by not having a date, but she also couldn't tell everything about Zoey's secret. Then again... Zoey wouldn't necessarily know if she told...

"Okay, fine. I'll tell you. But if you tell anyone else, I'm ruining your reputation. You'll regret the day you were born."

Jake smirked and nodded. And as soon as he did, Lia began to sing like a canary, giving all the information


Later that day, Jake was facetiming on the phone with his other friends. Liam, Henry, and Drew. Emphasize on the other. He liked them, but not as much as he liked hanging out with the music club

"So Henry." he started to say. "Yeah?" Henry responded. "How would you like to go on a date with Lia this Saturday?"

Henry's eyes lit up. "What?! Really?!" Jake nodded. "But don't say anything to her. She doesn't know she's going with you. I'll send you the details later"

Henry was ecstatic. He'd wanted to go one a date with Lia for so long! "Dude, Jake, how did you get her to say yes!"

"I told her she was going out with someone on the soccer team"

"Ha! Yes! I'm going on a date with Lia!"

Henry quickly left the call to have dinner, leaving the other three boys to talk.

"Damn, Lia's one lucky lady" Liam sighed smiling. "Oh, really?" Jake said, to which Liam nodded. He left soon after, leaving Jake and Drew talking for a bit. "Hey Drew?" Jake said "you wanna come over Saturday night and have a video game night?"

Drew shrugged. "Sure, why not. Sounds like it could be fun"


When Saturday night came, Drew decided to text Zoey while he had some time to kill before heading to Jake's (Authors Note: the contact is still gonna say Zoey because it's on her phone)

Drew: Hey bby <3 What're you up to tonight? I'm heading to Jake's

Zoey: Who is this? How do you know Zoey?

Drew was slightly caught off guard. Why was Zoey saying that? Maybe it was one of her parents?

Drew: Uh, I'm Zoey's boyfriend. Is this one of her parents? Has she not told me about you? Thought she would've by now

Zoey: No, this isn't one of Zoey's parents. And, no you're not. I'm her boyfriend.

Drew was caught of guard. Who...was this he was texting? Was it someone that had hacked Zoey's phone? Maybe Lia was over and playing a prank on him?

Drew: Okay, who the hell are you? I wanna know now. If you're with Zoey, give the phone to her. If you're someone hacking her phone, stop it

Zoey: I'm Christopher, Zoey's boyfriend. Her real boyfriend. She's never talked to you about me I'll bet. I've heard a lot about you though

Drew felt his stomach twist. Zoey, wasn't cheating on him, was she..?

A few minutes passed before Drew's phone screen lit up again. It was Zoey calling him. Immediately he answered

"H-Hey baby!"

Zoey was standing in her kitchen, leaning on the counter. "Sorry about tha-"

"Babe, is there someone there with you?" Drew asked. Zoey began to panic. "What...?! N-No....!!"

"Then who was I just texting with...?"

Before Zoey could respond, some guy walked by her in the background. He looked completely unfamiliar. No one Drew had seen around school before

"Zoey. Who was that." Drew said. He felt his stomach drop. Zoey didn't speak after that. Drew knew his theories were correct in that moment. He hung up and fell back on his bed, his phone landing beside him...


Drew's phone continuasley buzzed as he got more texts from Zoey. He picked up his phone after a fifth buzz. His eyes began to sting as he looked at the messages.

Zoey: Drewey-bear, please listen!

Zoey: It's not what you think!

Zoey: Please don't leave me....you weren't supposed to know....

Zoey: Drew...?

Zoey: Baby, I promise I'll make this up to you!

Drew began to text back...

Drew: I'm not your Drewey-bear or baby. Zoey, how the hell am I not supposed to be upset by this...I thought we had something...how long has this been going on...

Zoey: ....I'll explain everything Monday...

Drew felt tears pricking his eyes, soon flowing down his cheeks. His vision blurred as he continued to stare at his phone. Then, a notification popped up from Jake

Jake: Hey man, you on the way? I'm all set up😁

Drew: I can't come over.

Jake: Why? Something come up?

Drew: I just found out Zoey's cheating on me.

She Doesn't Deserve You(Drew x Jake Story) (The Music Freaks)Where stories live. Discover now