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Jake: Dude, do you wanna come over for a bit..? We can talk together about this....or I can come over there

Drew: Idc. I just want nothing to do with that bitch

Drew and Jake continued to text back and forth. Eventually they settled on Jake heading to Drew's

Jake: I'll be there soon, k?

Drew: K

Drew placed his phone on his side table. He sighed as he continued to think about Zoey


Drew looked up from his facing downward gaze, and up at the door. His butler was standing in the doorway, holding a phone

"You have a call from a Miss Zoey. Would you like me to tell her you are unable to speak at this moment?"

Drew glared at the butler and said "tell her to not call back. ever."

"Right away sir" the butler nodded before heading back downstairs


15 minutes later, Jake showed up outside Drew's home. He knocked on the door a few times and stood outside the door. He looked at his phone. No new messages from Drew, one from Hailey though

Hailey: What're you up to?

Jake: I'm at Drew's place. He found out about Zoey

Hailey: Oh, man...harsh...

The door opened, startling Jake and almost making him drop his phone from shock. "You must be Sir Jake." Drew's butler said, looking at him. "Sir Drew is upstairs in his room."

"U-Uh....thank you!" Jake said, before he quickly went inside. He left his shoes by the door then headed upstairs

Jake stood outside Drew's room, ready for a long rant. But hey, who could blame the poor guys?

*knock knock*

"Come in."

Jake opened the door and stepped in, closing the door behind him. Once inside, he saw Drew laying in bed, facing the wall.

"Hey man..." he said. "You doing alright...?"

Drew rolled over onto his other side to face Jake. His eyes were red and his face was streaked with tears. Jake walked over and sat at the end of the bed


A while later, Drew explained how he found out. The entire time he was fighting back tears, not wanting to cry in front of Jake. "You didn't tell anyone else about this, did you." he snarled, to which Jake shook his head no in response. He put his arm around Drew. Jake had figured that for a while Zoey was cheating on Drew. And here it was. The truth, right in front of them both. And he was correct. He actually planned on letting Drew know when they had met up for their actual plans of having a video game night.

"Guess I should still tell him anyway..." Jake thought to himself

"Hey Drew..?"

Drew looked up. "What..."

"Well....the thing is.....I found out a few days ago about Zoey's cheating....I was actually planning on telling you tonight when we were originally gonna meet up.....I....actually suspected it for a while....and I would've told you sooner but....I wasn't sure....I didn't because I didn't wanna assume in case it was false, and I wasn't sure how you'd react....if it would be a good reaction or....not...."

Drew looked down confused. He stayed silent for a few moments. Then he said "I...I understand....I'm not mad....hell, I know for a fact I wouldn't have believed you if you told me...."

Jake smiled nervously, but it soon faded. "Listen, Drew, if....you want me to stay the night that's fine-"

"No, it....it's okay...."

Jake nodded. Drew's phone buzzed. He picked it up and looked at it, his head still leaning on Jake's shoulder. Jake also looked at the message. It was just more of Zoey apologizing. Jake carefully took Drew's phone from his hands, and scrolled through the recent texts between him and Zoey from that night. "I can't believe I'm so clueless...oblivious..."

Jake looked at Drew and hugged him to his side. "You're not either of those things... you didn't know..."

Drew took his phone back from Jake, and went and plugged it back in with it on his desk. "Drew, don't let her win..."

"What the hell do you mean..."

Jake got up and out a hand on Drew's shoulder. "She knows you're upset...but please, try to not let it take over you're entire life forward from now.... she'll have succeeded with her goal of making you feel like crap..."

Drew looked down, his shoulders slumped. "I'll help you get past it..." Jake said. Drew gave a slight nod, then hugged Jake slowly as tears began to form again. "Thanks Jake..." Jake smiled and hugged him back. "It's not an issue at all..."

She Doesn't Deserve You(Drew x Jake Story) (The Music Freaks)Where stories live. Discover now