Meeting you

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Lost in thought, I bumped into someone it was a fragile girl with lavender colored eyes and midnight purple hair  her name was Hinata.I think , she was that girl in the Chunnin exams that Naruto couldn't stop talking about "i-I-I'm sorry-Sasuke "

I hear a scream coming from the Ramen shop not too far from where me and that girl stood"oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"the girl whirled her head towards the source of that obnoxious and idiotic scream.Of course it couldn't be anyone other than that idiot. Naruto , I sighed as he approached me and the girl with easiness holding the girls sholder with that typical smile plastered on his dumb face making me want to punch his perfect little teeth. (CIVIL WAR REFERENCE)"good timing Sasuke I wanted you to meet Hinata she's a really close friend of mine I hope you two can get along"i take a glance at the girl's direction as she avoids my gaze and multiple shades of red engulfing her face,just nodding silently.

I chose to ignore her and walk past her keeping in mind that I don't need to be her friend it won't help me in anyway, she will just be a burden that I would have to protect against my will, because she is important to Naruto and anyone precious to him is protected by non other than, me he has that kind of power some times i forget that. Where he would force me to do whatever he needs to be done ,because he is too busy leading the country. and if i don't follow his orders he would threaten to throw me in that horrid dungeon again.I noticed that the  girl's (Hinata's) gaze dropped to the floor, as if disappointed,  that was the first time someone seemed to be disappointment in my lack of expressing emotions. i developed that during my days with Orochimaru my past experiences still gripping me with all their might founding my current shield of a personality protecting where the Sasuke that lost his parents is sheltered. Her expression softened, abandoning the previous demeanor and replacing it with excitement, curiosity and eagerness all showing through her smile.

I then out of "kindness" smile my usual ice of a smile. that barely reached my cheeks.

I was too late to join them in our early days of youth that thought hit me after seeing everyone so happy and cheerful and then I think of my state,it was exactly like naruto's life as a child it's like history is repeating itself but just with different people.
I was called to the hokage desk on the next day . And meeting the dobe wasn't the best thing in the world because we would always have to wait hours and hours for him to recognize us.i enter and hear the dobe say"yo, sasuke I need you to do a favor for me......" We'll I always do favors for you , you little moron you fucking hokage I say to my self"you will be going on a mission with...."I hear the door open , me and narutos attention were taken by the person who entered it "hyuuga hinata" and it was that purple haired girl I met yesterday,i look towards naruto ignoring the fact that she is here but for some reason his eyes never seemed to leave her from what was a look turned to a gaze and I could tell from that gaze that he loved her " so how is sakura doing?"narutos head and gaze were moved downwards naruto was married to sakura sadly she became ill during their marriage ceremony and he's been alone ever since but I could tell that, that girl helped Some how the girl was clueless the whole time.
He changed the subject and continued his conversation "you 2 with be going on a mission In the past few days jutsu scrolls were stolen from the konoha archive all we know about this person is that they have long red hair" we both nod and make our way out of konoha starting our mission.

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