Chapter-5 The General and an Angel

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Asil and Mais hide their hesitation in a fake laugh looking very awkward, “What a nice name…what a nice name” Mais says impetuously Asil just agreeing to it. Hansen smiles, looking at them, wide and knowing.

“Yeah..right...I think so too” His eyes and smile contradict each other “So what about hellfire?” he brings back the topic, they wanted to skip.

Mais eyes Asil who looks at him innocently not understanding what this demon wants now defeated he takes the initiative again “What I meant was it is the same as legends say, of course, I haven’t seen any hehe..” 

“What legend?” Hansen folds his hands over his chest the two feel the pressure of being investigated but before they could open their mouth and blather, they hear the clatter of hoofs and glance at the way the soldiers were retreating. Raik was on a horse alongside Vice-General, giving him some instructions when his eyes fall on the three people and he frowns looking at them angrily. 

Asil elbows Mais asking what did this prince does now, Mais too was clueless and shrugs.

“I think we should just move away from here first” Hansen suggests, the two immortals agree to this wise advice immediately but before they could take a step further they hear the General call looking at them “You there” The three look at each other in fear, blaming another one for being the reason General called. Hansen runs a hand over his hair, frustrated “He is asking you, I will go to that direction, you two can choose your own,” he says and in mere seconds flees not wanting to stay any longer, seeing him the duo runs too, the trio taking three different routes. The soldiers try to go after them but Raik stops them, telling them to do the task he asked.

He holds the rein and goes towards the direction Asil ran off and finds him in no time. Asil was kneeling and petting a puppy as if already forgotten why he was running. Raik jumps off from his horse tying the rein to the stand nearby and walking towards Asil with bold steps “You three have quite a good camaraderie it seems” mocking the angel Raik stands behind him, the white puppy scared of him runs away making Asil glare at him. Raik’s eyes widen and a little blush creeps his face finding the expressions cute, he coughs lightly to brush it off “Get up, don’t waste my time” he says pulling Asil up by an arm.

“Don’t you have anything to do, why follow this Prince?” Asil asks still unhappy.

“This is part of my job”, He looks around at people watching them and pulls Asil to the side in a shade “What were you talking with that man, what is your relationship with him? You are Prince of which Kingdom?” he shoots many questions.

Asil looks at him, he feels a distinct kind of scent on this person and moves closer sniffing a bit getting more confused. Raik backs away, glaring at this shameless person in disbelief “What kind of person are you?”

“How is he like…the King?” Asil asks, he was not the one who likes to answer all questions, never needed to in his realm. Raik looks at him trying to figure out what is going on in his mind, why is he so obsessed with the King, not able to get the answers he feels frustrated.

“You might act insane and brazen most of the time and I feel that you are no threat but it is not safe here for you, the King already wants you to be punished for entering his place, do you even know what you are getting yourself into” Raik scolds Asil, then quietly watches him and around them.

“You come with me” He commands.

“To where?” Asil asks but the General already starts moving without answering him and pulls him up on a horse and rides away. Asil yelps, ready to teach this mortal a lesson but before he could do a thing Raik answers.

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