Chapter-8 Witty Angel

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Raik enters the inner chambers of the palace in the King's household, a eunuch accompanying him inside, telling him throughout the way, how other consorts tries to pull tricks but the Queen outsmarts them or how brave the little prince is and admires him so much, he listens silently, the eunuch smiles proudly as an attendant from another chamber notices Raik's arrival, envy flashing in their eyes, even fear, he never says but hates being involved in inner chamber politics. Raik walks along the cobblestone pathway covered by flowery bushes on both sides, several blooming trees in the garden wafting out light fragrance, he enters a hall, well furnished, warm and lavish, the floor covered in dark-colored carpet and walks ahead as the Eunuch opens a door to another passage leading to the gazebo between the lake, towards the other side of which was the Imperial chamber of the second Queen named "Aureola" written in beautiful calligraphy. The Queen, Marisha, wearing pink, embroidered garments, with jewelry covering her hair, neck, and ears, her black hair were tied upheld by gold and jade, her bold features got well with the dress, she was aiming at a bird sitting far away, her moves quiet and smooth, the attendants were there, holding their breath, tea and snacks placed and ready to be eaten, the arrow shoots from the bow but doesn't reach the aimed target instead sways away. The maid quickly tries to cheer her up as she angrily looks at the bird and tries another shot, Raik watches her, approaching lightly to not be noticed, the eunuch was finally quiet after telling various achievements of Queen and her son seeing her not able to hunt down the bird he opens his mouth again to make up some reason but Raik quiets him down with just his look, he sees how she failed again and clicks his tongue in disappointment.

"Killing bird or time?" He asks, his red and black garment catching eyes quickly, the female attendants present there blushes but quickly look down bowing to him. Marisha stops herself from picking another arrow and turns to see her brother, a gentle smile gracing her lips. She walks forwards and hugs him, grabbing his hand and dragging him to sit on the comfortable chaise, her moves poised. She happily turns and orders the attendant to prepare tea for his brother.

"You took long" She sees her brother's face for a few seconds, a smile lingering on her lips, then picks up snacks serving him, "It scared me to think that you will forget your sister this time" her soft hand squeezes the gloved hand of her brother, broad and hard.

Raik declines the snacks, looking at their hands, "I got busy with work, don't have much time left to stay here"

The smile on Queen's face wipes away, her face showing a glimpse of irritation, the hand that held her brother quickly taken away, "Did His Majesty tell you to leave?"

Raik sighs internally "No, it was not him, it is I who has to go"

She waves at all the maids and Eunuch present there to leave, they follow the command bowing to her "Your brother-in-law visited this place yesterday...after two months" she looks deeply at Raik, expressions unreadable.

"Do you know what he is busy in? I even heard that the prophecy meant he will get beauty, is it true" Raik sighs internally, he looks once at his sister, who resembled their mother so much but had the temper of their father.

"Does it matter, you are the one among the three queens who gave the King an heir, you hold a special place" The Queen grits her teeth, looking away.

"So it was really true" Raik watches her, they have met after a long time but there was no exchange of well wishes and praise instead these topics, it was nothing new, still heartbreaking "I committed so many sins to maintain this position, you have no idea how difficult it is to be in my place, there is always death hanging or a threat to my health, I even have to protect your nephew, he is so innocent and naïve, just idolize his father, making him the center of envy for others and now he is bringing another one for me to deal with, I am so pitiful, I don't like sharing him with others" Her voice trembles indicating her pain and suffering, only Raik knows there is no love between her and the King they are both in this marriage for their benefits, still he couldn't help but say.

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