Chapter-9 Ciradyl

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“General, do you recognize your childhood friend now?” 

The wind slows down making the voice of the guard reach out clear and loud in the ears of people present there, silence fills the place, the troopers stop their conversations and work looking at the travelers and their General awkwardly. Raik shuts his eyes in irritation, trying to calm himself, he side glances at the guard “What childhood friend?” He asks.

The guard trembles with the gaze, so do others who quickly retrieve their work “They…” Asil takes a step forward, a gentle smile on his lips as he says “I informed us of being acquainted” Raik’s gaze falls on those beautiful blue eyes with dark, long eyelashes, he raises his brow and dismisses the guard, the poor guard who acted so proud a moment ago, scurries away quickly.

“It is you three again,” Raik says, hands folded at back, lazy look but still deathly. 

“This Prince feels it is destiny” He doesn’t complete the sentence that was in his mind and our bad luck.

“And your bad luck” To his surprise, Raik says it out loud, Asil laughs awkwardly and tries to change the topic. 

“Why are you here?” He asks not knowing what else to say. 

Raik’s lips’ raise a bit looking at the three tired men in front of him, they might have been traveling a long distance but what for and why here. He points at a high place on the wall, where a flag was fluttering above with the strong wind “Do you recognize that flag?” The trio turns like obedient cats staring at it awkwardly then look back at Raik.

“ seems this Prince…I mean traveler didn’t notice the flag of Amarus here” Asil finally says. 

“Do you know what that means?” Raik asks patiently, like teaching a child. Asil nods.

“It means you seized this place and collects taxes from here” Hansen controls his laughter while Mais smirks, His Highness really knows well. Raik’s mouth curves looking like a smile, it soon turns down, his eyes showing the anger he is feeling and hand itching to put the three in a prison. The bright light and dry weather make him look more unapproachable. He is the General feared by many but this handsome traveler still dares to talk back and even smile.

“You know too well but I am afraid your fantasy can’t work here, so now…why are you here?” He asks instead. 

“We…we are travelers” Mais answers, worried that Asil will tell the truth.

“Really, from where?” He asks again, eyes only on Asil, both staring at each other. One had doubts while the other was filled with admiration and something unknown.

“Oh you don’t know that place” Mais answers, itching to feed this human to demon hounds but the bright and calm presence in front of him has the power to turn him into one if he even moved a finger on that General for no reason.

“Hmm…How so, you are my childhood friend” Mais shuts his mouth unable to speak, Raik gives a tight smile, mocking the three “Since we played in the same compound why don’t you come to my place to stay…my best friend” last words were said only to the special person in front of him. The two companions behind Asil quickly shout a no.

“So suspicious, should not I be concerned?” He eyes the three again and their horses. “First appearing in the palace out of nowhere, then meeting a Zuershian and now taking advantage from my name” He stands in front of Asil, close enough to make Mais jump back and hide next to Hansen. “Quite a darer you are?” Asil smiles brightly taking the praise. Mais elbows Hansen mouthing him to say something. Hansen sighs and says peeking from behind.

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