Chapter-36 A farewell to Zuershians

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Asil tried to pry into Raik’s consciousness again like he did several times before. After leaving suddenly there was no news from General and the uneasiness was increasing in him but he was not able to establish contact. There was a hindrance and ultimately he would dream of something horrifying.  Today it happened again as he was resting, he had the same nightmare but there was an addition, he saw Raik in it. They were standing on a cliff looking at the pretty view of the valley, the wind bringing along the earthly scent. Asil smiles and turns to Raik.

“You seem to be thinking of something,” He says.

Raik nods lightly watching the birds chirping and flying “Seeing the calmness in the chaos”

Asil stares at him as Raik continues “Now being with you three I feel I am living a life I used to crave as a child, the friendship, care, love, and troubles, we are together…earlier…I was lonely”

Asil’s face brightens hearing it “Then that makes us two…earlier this Prince was lonely as well, now it is different, good different”

Raik sighs and turns to him, his features look relaxed and friendly not the cold ones that he always carried “What if one day you have to make choices among us, what will you do?”

Asil remains quiet, this question felt like a premonition, living in the world for so long he knows nothing is stable not this moment, not the calmness, not the chaos, and not the future, how can he answer this question? Raik patiently waits for the answer but gets silence in response, he doesn’t comment and quietly inhales the fresh air and makes an image of this scene in his mind of the angel not far from him, to him calmness was with Asil, he glances at the Angel, the pink sky and the warm light of the setting sun was giving him a beautiful blush enhancing his beauty. Raik quietly watches as Asil looks up at the sky mesmerized watching the birds return to their nest, chirping and flying in delight near the trees.

“They are returning to their home?” The angel asks.

Raik nods with a light yes “Each day they wake us up chirping early in the morning then go out in search of food and come back to warm their eggs returning home before it gets dark, they show humans the importance of hard work, family, and home” 

The Prince of angels watches the birds and feels an itch in his palm looking down at his hand he sees a little bug sitting on the palm, he watches the bug with interest, blue eyes staring at the insect as if having telepathy with the little creature. Raik takes his time to observe the angel, the curiosity and innocence make him sometimes look like a child. He never realized it before but now seeing the angel in front of him Raik feels his thoughts are mostly filled with the angel, despite them being so different they somehow got along well. He never knew a day would come when he will feel this way for anyone but Raik was hesitant to say it out loud to the angel, he was just a human with sins not worthy to be close to this immortal.

“Does each one of them have a reason to be…even this little one?” Asil asks unknown of the thoughts running in Raik’s head. The General nods.

“It can’t be eaten right? What use this little one might have?” Asil turns to him innocently waiting for the General to tell.

“Some prey on others while some are meant to be a prey, each living being has a span they live then leave for others to take after, that’s how things have always been here in the mortal realm”

“A meaning…” Asil repeats in a whisper while watching the little creature opening its wings and flying to a small distance “Maybe this Prince judged them too early”

“Whom?” Raik asks.

“The devils…what if they have a meaning for being there?” Raik smiles a bit hearing it.

AMARANTHINE 💫Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora