Chapter 1

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Raina was in the highschool's bathroom when she thought she heard tapping coming from a stall. Like a person furiously tapping their feet on the ground. But that couldn't be possible she was the only person here.

She glanced around, it was so quiet you could hear the wind whistling, it must have been a.... rat. There were plenty of times a rat appeared in a school, at least enough stories of it, she told herself.

Moving on Raina dug in her purse to pull out a lipstick. But in the corner of her eye she spotted something underneath the stall, legs. She drop the lipstick and in a blink of the eye it disapeered.

Her teeth dug into her lip, as she moved closer to the stall cautiously, half of her was scarred to death and the other curious. She opened the door slightly, but nothing was there. Her imagination must be playing tricks on her.

She let out a sigh of relief nothing's there. Then she packed her stuff, headed to the exit, and waited.

She was supposed to meet with Carly, Edman, Chris, and Ashley right now. They were going to put flowers and decorate Ariel's locker, to remember her.

Ariel was the new girl, who came not too long ago to her school. When she first saw her she thought she was going to be popular and ignore her, but as the week passed they grew close and became besties. On Saturday it was her birthday but she went missing. That is too bad they were going to throw her an awesome party.

Raina opened her locker to see if there was anything else in there to put in Ariel's locker. When she opened it she looked at the photo that greeted her. It was a picture of her, Ariel, and her other best friend Carly, on Saturday. It was at school and Ariel was dressed in a beautiful sea green skirt and red top.

Ariel looked stunning as always, she was so different from the others. Raina and Carly both had dirty blond, medium length hair, blue eyes, and freckles. Sometimes Raina felt like the only difference between them was that they had different names, parents, and Raina was shorter. However Ariel had sea green eyes, tanned skin, light red lips, and wavy red hair that flew all over the place.

A smile appeared on Raina's face as she slightly took down the photo and put it in the box, then she grabbed a box at the top of her locker. It was a gift, wrapped neatly in silver wrapping paper, and tied with a enormous bow. It was Ariel's birthday present Raina never was able to give her. That too, was placed in the big box. Raina slid the lid on and smoothen down her dress.

She had on a red lovely dress (Ariel's favorite color), her hair pinned up in a flawless bun, green heels, and green pearls. She felt like she should dress like Ariel since it was her memorial, and what better way to do it than by wearing her favorite colors. She checked her watch, why is everyone late they should be here by now. Raina pulled out her phone,  and opened a group chat 'Hey you guys alright it's getting late?' she put.

Her phone started chirping the second she put it down as if all of them were just staring at their phones waiting for her to text. 'We're fine just got here' they answered all the same, that's weird. The first person walks in, Carly. "Oh good you're here can you help set up the chairs for us," she tells Carly, "No prob." Then Carly pulls out a cart of folding chairs and Raina sets up fifteen. Then the door swings open with Ashley. "Guess what I got," she calls to Raina.

She peers over at the items in Ashley hand as she walks over. She haults at the box, "They're beautiful," Raina says pulling out the head piece with red tulips and roses, "red, nice choice it was Ariel's favorite." Ashley nods pleased with Raina's answer, "Yep each of us gets one, I'll hand them out when everyone arrives." Raina pulls out a paper and checks off Ashley's and Carly's name.

Then feels a tap on her shoulder, she yells in alarm. Ashley eyes because huge "Relax it's just me," she laughs. Raina calms down "Sorry I just got into a..... incident in the bathroom." Ashley turns serious "You didn't see anything right," she asks. "No it's nothing," Raina lied, she didn't want to ruin the night for Ashley.

Plus if she told her what she thought happened Ashley would go crazy about it, since she's so caring. She smiles to assure Ashley she's fine, then changes the topic. "What were you asking me?" Ashley stares into Raina's eyes lost in thought, "Umm..... where's Chris?" she askes replacing the forgoten question.

Just that moment the boys walk in and heads over to the girls. "Hello Christopher," says Carly. "Don't call me 'Christopher' or else I'll break you." "You wish," she laughs at Chris. Soon they all turn into a group of giggles, laughter, and snickering. At 7:00 everyone arrives, Raina searches the crowd there is their parents, Ariel's boyfriend (Joe), Raina's boyfriend (Arrow), and teachers. Ariel's parents are not in the crowd. On the day Ariel went missing, her parents were found dead no one knows why.

Then Raina pulls out a table and each guest puts at least one item on it for the memorial. Ashley and Carly start handing out the circles of flowers and people wear them like crowns, bracelets, or just holds them. "Here you go", Carly holds out the flowers to Joe. He looks disgusted at it "I don't wear flowers." Carly pushes it closer "It's for Ariel." He shoves it backs "I pass." Carly aims and throws a circle at his head, raged at his attitude.

Then the principle hands Raina a microphone for a speach. Raina hated speaches but had to do one for Ariel. She clears her throat.

"Excuse me may I have your attension. Tonight we honor a missing girl named Ariel she was encouraging, kind, friendly, and helpful, and it's a pain to see her gone. It's hard to face it but we have to eventually. I don't think she would want us to moan over her 24/7. I know how it feels, when she first gone missing I was crushed and heart broken just like you. So today we are making her a memorial to remember her forever. And I hope that one day she'll return, if you find any information about our situation please come forward even the small things count," she gives in the microphone and takes a seat as tears roll down her cheek.

After the speeches wrap up, Raina empties the locker and puts all the items in a box. When she's done she goes to the bathroom. The second she enters a toilet flushes on its own. Oh not this again she thinks, why does her mind have to play tricks on her today especially on this day?

Raina can't put up with it so she ignores the flushing toilets, sinks running, and door closing noises the whole time she's in there. When she opens her stall she actually sees a sink running, she freezes at the sight, the sink wasn't running, before was it? Her legs become shaky and she runs out of there, and stops at the locker.

The locker is shut, she must have accidently closed it. She picks up the box and moves it out the way, but for some weird reason it is lighter. Then she opens the locker, she never once forgotten the combination ever since Ariel told her. Inside she finds somethings that suprizes her so bad that she falls backwards. The stuff is back in there in the exact order it was before, she rushes over to the box and finds it empty.

This is crazy, someone must be pranking her. Carly walks over "C'mon let's start taking out the stuff." Raina turns her head and speaks unclear "But..but I just..." Carly interupts "Raina we need to get started." Raina huffs, no one listens to her. Soon they empty the locker again, and begin to decorate thanking each person who gives them an item.

On the sides and on the front of it, stick red flowers and beautiful vines, on the top shelf inside their in millions of photos of her, included Raina's photo, on the second one there is some items that represent something about Ariel and in the front of it all is the present for her from Raina, on the last there is other things such as letters and jewelery. After it's over the group talks to one another and thank all our guests.

At 9:30 people start leaving and say their goodbyes to one another. Raina's phone starts chriping like crazy along with Carly's, Ashley's, Chris's, and Edman's. Raina check her phone she got three texts from Unknown. The first one is 'Why did you do it, I am never going to trust you again', the second 'How dare you but believe me when I say I will crush you', the third 'You pay for what you post, see you later.'

Okay what is going on Raina thinks this is getting out of hand. She looks over at the others they got the exact same text from Unknown. Then the lights go out and everyone starts running and a couple scream, but before Raina exits she gets a view of a dark body figure jump down from the ceiling.

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