Chapter 3 (1st person)

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Everyone was panicking on the inside. Things were freaky. Ariel smiled, "Long time, no seen." My eyes went wide, wondering about my own mother and father. Were they really at work or behind a curtain? Horrible images fluttered around my mind, I wished Carly was there to assure me it was OK. I turn back to the screen to find Ariel plastered with a murderous smirk.

"So here's the deal," her eyes darted behind her when a screech was heard behind a curtain. Ariel shifted her head back "tell me who posted the message and no one gets hurt," she continued. I was about to speak, when a high pitch scream was heard again. I couldn't make out what it was saying since it was muffled but I could tell it was coming from behind the curtain that was blocking a room.

Ariel growled and shoved her chair, as she stomped away, but before she went she called back "Hold on I'll be back. In the meantime discuss and find my answer or else!" Then she yanked thecurtain behind her.

I looked at the other divided paths and met the others eyes. "What's going on?" I asked still not sure. Edman sucked in his cheeks and his eyes frozed on his mother tied up. He was trembling, frighten, not wanting to play this game. I don't even think he was breathing. Chris on the other hand wasn't sad or scared, he was furious. He started yelling at me like a crazy person.

"Can't you see! This is Ariel! It's Ariel! A evil one! She got our parents hostages! And she isn't afraid to kill them!" I started to have my anger rise as well, I was shaking and had tears rolling down my cheeks. I know that my mascara is probably 100% messed up. But I don't care. Ashley bit her lip while a tear dripped down her face. "What message?" Her voice was muffled. Chris calmed down and pulled out his phone and went on facebook searching Ariel's profile. There was the last message ever typed to her.

'Aih guys birthday at Ariel's it is a surprise. She won't see this message though because she's super super busy. Anyway here's the address. 19 North Broadway Apt. 9Z. Plz come to her grand fiasta.' Rick stared us all down. "So who typed the day Ariel went missing and her parents died." We all looked in different directions, there's no way we typed the exact day that typer typed. Edman slammed his fists on the table, "This is wasting time! We need suspects, or my mom's going to die!"

Everyone thought for a minute untill I felt all eyes on me. "What?" I asked. Rick responded "Fiasta who else calls a party that in our group. Plus you're the only one who's spanish or shall I say espono?" I roll my eyes, say it right at least. Plus I am absolutly not the person who typed that. And since when was the last time I called a normal party that.

"I didn't type that day." Everyone stares into my eyes as to determined if I am lying. I grunt, they know fare and well I would never do that to Ariel. And I come up with a way to prove it. I pull out my phone and roll to the weekend. "See" I push the phone near the screen so they can see for themselves I didn't type.

Rick seems to have enough evidence so he moves on. "Then it must be Ashley!" Ashley gasps in shock at him "Why me?" Rick rereads the passage in less than a second "Because you're the only one who speaks like that beginning with 'Aih" and saying 'super'."

Ashley crosses her arms and gives him a dirty look that says 'you idiot'. Then in her calm yet stern voice she says "It wasn't me, my electronics didn't have internet that week." I think back to Ashley having to call me by her house phone and not joining our night time chats, "Yea she's right, I remember that." And Chris agrees.

Rick opens his mouth to accuse another person when I scream at him. "Shut your mouth Rick, you keep going in the wrong direction!" He's about to do it anyway when Ariel re-appears. "So whose the bad guy?" We all stay silent thinking of what to do. "Oh still haven't found out who. Well that's a shame."

Then with that she turns around Edman's mother and pulls out a handle with metal and electricity at the end, a tazor I think. She strucks the poor adult with it's beam bringing her body vibrating against the chair. Edman yells and pounds on the screen. Ariel stops "This could stop a heart you know, don't want that to happen."

I peer at the woman with burnt hair ends covering her face. I watch the way she is sitting and relize that she is not alive. I breath heavily and try to back away. "What's wrong?" They all ask. But how can I answer? How can I tell my friend his mom died? This crazy girl is actually murdering people.

I stare at the screen and Ariel disapeers. But I could still hear her. "Let's play a game!" My heart drops as the lights go out and the room in dark. Everyone starts screaming and cussing. I yell at my tablet "Guys please! Seriously who posted on her profile." Then my eyes rise as a light coming from Edman's room is on.

His face is fulled with horror and he starts screaming. His window gets bigger and we see him being pulled by his chain by his ceiling fan and swirled around, soon his scream softens and his oxengen is cut off while the fan freezes.

Ariel gives a evil laugh "Who wants to play next?"

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