Chapter 5

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Raina's POV

It's her.... It's one of my best friends for a long time now. It's Carly. Her dirty blond hair was soaked with red, and her eyes were filled with terror. "Carly!" All three of us say in unison.

"So, this is my last one dears, before there's only three of you. And can you picture that? What are you choosing?" Ariel gave us a look saying she wasn't playing no games. I started to panic in the inside. What to do?! I can't let all of us die! But what can I do?!

Just then a idea pops in my head, but I'm not sure if it will succeed. Then again what other choice do I have? "I-I could hack the network!" I blurt out. Ashley looks at me with huge eyes, "That's impossible. You'll die." I shrug, "We have to give it a shot. I can't watch you die."

"Do it," Ariel commands shifting her head slightly to signal. I move the face chat to the corner and go on the website. After some hacking a little tab pops up, loading. I may seem completely focused and sane on the outside, but inside I'm praying like crazy hoping it will work. I don't want any one else to die.

90%....%95...%97.... ERROR. I'll have to try again, this time praying harder.
Apparently I could. %98.... %99.... %100.. COMPLETE. It worked! I go into the account and switch onto the profile. There it is in big bold letters "CARLY R. MATTEWS"

I quickly switch back to the face chat, to see everyone in shock. And before us three know it a scream comes from Ariel's section, red splatters the screen, and it goes black. This has been a night, we'll never forget.

--------------THE END-------

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