Chapter 2

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Raina had no idea what is going on, but she knew it isn't good. She rushed out the room in a panicked matter. Then dashed out the building and found her small, blue, car. The crowd bursts outside, and everybody was leaping into their cars. She focused her eyes and searched the crowd for Carly.

No sign of her. Soon everybody cleared out, and the place is empty. What happened to Carly? Maybe I just overlooked her, she simply tells herself. Wait, what if I haven't ? Raina gets curious and frightened.

She opens the door to her RAM and steps outside. Carly must be around here, somewhere. She take small steps toward the building each one louder and closer than the last. Pound! Pound!!! Pound!!!!! Bang!!!!!!!!!

Raina places her fingers on the surface of the brass knob, knowing she'll regret going in. Then she gathers all of her dignety and bravery (which is not much) and throws open the door. It is pitch black and strong winds hit her. She reaches up against the wall and flicks the switch. No light appears, someone must have cut it.

"Carly" her voice echos through out the halls, "Anyone there?" she hears a chuckel. No it cannot be. That laugh sounds identicle to Ariel's. No I am hearing stuff, this can't be real. Can it? She takes a deep breath "Who's that?" Another laugh is heard which sends a shiver down her spine. Maybe it is just Carly pranking me. "Carly, I know you're there," She tries to say with confidence. No response.

Raina hugs the wall and feels for a glass box. Her hand hits it hard and she rubs her hand against it. On the side there is a rope attached to a hammer, yes this is it. She yanks the hammer and pounds it against the glass, shattering it and sending shards everywhere. Then she reaches inside grasping a wooden handel, she pulls it out carefully and then puts a finger on the top left of it, feeling cold metal. A flat, shard blade. Yep this is it all right, the emergency axe.

She keeps the axe close at her side, not too close so she cuts herself, but close enough for her to strike at anything. She walks down the hall and another wind hits her faster like a tornado. Maybe a window is open, she tells herself. Raina hears the laugh again only this time more menacing.

"What do you want?" The voice answers with "I know what you did, confess or make your friend confess." "Confess" Raina repeats. The voice is angry "Rainy dainy just confess on the person, why the trouble." Raina shivers. No not because of the wind but because Rainy Dainy is what Ariel used as a nickname for her. It was to be funny and say rainy day but it rymed insted. By now Raina knew to ditch that stupid place and ran as fast as she could to the exit.

As she ran lockers opened, water ran from the bathrooms, and books flew past her. Almost there, I am almost there. Raina then heard a frightening tremble from above. She looked up as the ceiling trembled and she relized what was going on too late. A chair came from the ceiling landing around Raina, keeping her stuck under it. Then it started gliding forward and she screamed hysterically. The laughter grew stronger and the chair stopped at the door. Raina was able to get out and push the door open. Then all of a sudden the chair fell forward pushing Raina out of the building, and the doors slammed shut.

Raina was scared out of her mind and ran to her car, forgetting about Carly. And drove, non stop even at a red light, until she was home. She took out her keys and opened the door to her home. It was just her tonight, her mom worked and her dad had some buisness to attend to. Today was crazy and she needed to get her mind off it. Maybe it be best to text with her friends on Kik.

Up in her room Raina set up her tablet and waited while it loaded. Should she tell her friends of what happened or not. No they'll think I had lost my mind and I need a doctor. Maybe I am crazy and that was my imagination but it seemed so real. Raina sighed and checked her tablet, it loaded already. Then she opened up her kik acount. She had five messages. She looked at who they were from and gasped. Ariel.

"Tell me who!"
"Why! Why did you have to do this!? I thought we were best friends!"
"Just tell me!!!!"
"Confess! Confess! Confess, Rainy"

Raina re-read the messages a hundred times. How can it be? Maybe someone hacked her? Raina kept telling herself that. There was no way it was written by Ariel. Then she looked in the corner of her screen, she was getting called on skype. Yes, she needed someone to talk to.

She clicked on the little tab and answered the call. Then Ashley's face appeared. She grinned when she saw her. "Hello Ashley"
"Hello Raina, how's it going?"
"What ever do you mean."
Raina hated when Ashley did that, act fancy or like she's is lying. Like right now when she used the word "ever."
"Well something weird happened today, I went back to the school."
"Why would you?"
"I was looking for Carly. But bad things happened."
"What's wrong?"
"I heard laughter. Ariel's laughter."
Ashley is silent for a moment probably thinks she's crazy. "Did she talk."
Ashley looks at her computer and sees a incoming call. "Hold on Chris is joining our call." Then Chris's face appeared and the screen was divided three ways. "What up?" he says. Next to him on the screen shows his friend Rick. "Hi, Chris," replies Ashley and Raina. Then they get another call from Edman. "Great bring in the whole gang," jokes Ashley. Then the screen divides four ways. "Hey what about Carly," says Raina,"She always calls us at this time."

Ashley responds "I really don't... know." Why wasn't Carly calling. Chris jumped in with a solution "I'll call her. Maybe she didn't get home yet or went to bed early." Even though he said it no one, not even him, believed Carly went to bed early. She is more of a party-stay-up-late-wild girl with attitude. Chris moved his mouse and clicked on Carly's name and it starting ringing. Ring 1.... Ring 2...... Ring 3...... Ring 4........ Ring 5... And nothing. Okay things where strange.

Raina looked at her screen with a horrored look. Someone was calling her, Ariel. Everybody started freaking out inside. "Who is that?" Ashley asked. "Why is it coming from Ariel's account?" added Rick. "I don't know, answer it, maybe it's Ariel." Raina knew that she shouldn't answer but the fact of seeing Ariel's face and her curiousity got the best of her and she clicked it.

A dark figure showed. A person, definitely but all covered up. Behind it was a bunch of red curtains. "Who are you?" They asked at the same time. The figure laughed "Don't you know me?" Everybody freaked out when she said that, it sounded exactly like Ariel's voice. Raina was right, but that doesn't mean it's her, right? "Oh silent, huh? Are you silent now?" The voice angerly pulls down a curtain. Behind it was a women definatly an adult, with blond hair, facing backwards, tied to a chair.

"So are you still going to be silent!" Edman was breathing heavily, and trembling. He knew the woman. "Who is that?" Ashley asked. A smile was shown somehow and the figure spoke, "Edman why don't you inform is on who this is."

Edman was gasping as if he was running out of oxgen. "Edman!" The figure yelled. Edman stopped and yelled "Mom!" "Yes percisely, Edman's mom," the figure said darkly "I've got a person from each of you. So you will stay online, or else." "Or else what?" Edman asked. The figure pulled out a blade "Or else they die, got it!" We all nodded. "Good. And don't try any funny stuff like calling the police. I'll know trust me."

"What do you want?" Raina asks. "I want to know who posted the message!" The voice says frustrated. "The message?," they all repeat. "The one that killed my parents." Raina's eyes were as huge as space ships, "You, you, are......" she gasps. The figure flashed a smile again, and pulled off its black cloak. Revieling a girl with red wavy hair, sea green eyes, and light red lips. Ariel.

The Message : A Unfriended storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora