The Argument (part 2)

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Hey guys here is part two of the Argument hope you guys enjoy it.


Y/N arrived home still in tears, She walks upstairs to see her mum standing there with a disappointed look on her face. "Y/N, what happened?" Y/N sighed "Phoebe kissed someone else right in front of me....." Y/N's mum hugs her tightly "it's ok Y/N, Just forget about her she's not worth your time." Y/N cheers up a bit "Thanks mum, I'm gonna go lie down for a while, see you later" Y/N gets changed and gets into bed and sighs "If only it was that easy to forget about you Pheebs."

Meanwhile Phoebe was in her room back at her house, Callie opened Phoebe's bedroom door "Pheebs, are you okay?"Phoebe shakes her head "Not really mum" Callie walks into Phoebe's room and sits on her bed "What happened?" Phoebe sighs "So, When Y/N went to the bathroom, Some girl from my class came up and told me she liked me, I told her I have a girlfriend but then She kissed me in front of Y/N, and Y/N told me she didn't want to talk to me until she can fully trust me again." Phoebe starts to cry.

Callie pulls Phoebe into a long hug "it's gonna be okay Pheebs, just go and try talk to her, tell her truth." Phoebe nods "I could try but, She said she didn't want to talk to me." Callie sighs "Pheebs, just tell her the truth and be yourself" Phoebe smiles and hugs Callie "Thanks mum, I'm gonna go talk to her right now." Callie Smiles "That's my girl, go get her" Phoebe gets up and heads towards Y/N's house.


Once Phoebe arrived at Y/N's house, she knocked on the door. Y/N's mum then opened the door "Oh it's you, If you're here to see Y/N, she said that she doesn't want to see you" Phoebe pleads "please just let me talk to her" Y/N's mum sighs "Fine, she's in her room but I think she might be sleeping." Phoebe nods then walks in and goes upstairs to Y/N's room, she gently knocked on Y/N's door *no answer.*

Phoebe then opens Y/N's door, then she walks over and gently shakes Y/N. Y/N wakes up scared and annoyed "Phoebe, What the hell are you doing here?" Phoebe sighs "I can explain myself for earlier only if you hear me out."

Y/N sighs and Nods "okay Phoebe, I'm listening" Phoebe held Y/N's hands and looked her in the eyes. "Emily told me that she had feelings for me but I told her i had you, so when I told her, she kissed me and I tried pushing her off me but she kept doing it more." Y/n nods "I believe you Pheebs, I know you wouldn't do anything like that" Phoebe smiles "Believe me I wouldn't love anyone else only you Y/N, Your my everything" Y/N blushes "aww Pheebs I love you too" Phoebe leans in and Kisses Y/N passionately on the lips.


Words: 584
Finished: Sunday 20th February 2022 at 8:55pm

Hey guys, Thank you for the 279 views I really appreciate it and it means a lot to me seeing the support for this book.

Hope you guys enjoyed this long chapter

As always I shall see yous in the next one

Phoebe Spengler (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now