#True Colors in Shells

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The next day babs was on her computer at home. She then got a call from Jess.

Babs: hey Jess how you doing.

Jess: good better than having a warehouse fall on us. How's the research going

Babs: good, I done a little digging of what they could be, so I searched for anything involving mutants. They were multiply ones pop up in one location. New York, somenting about mutant menace. And when I look at these I see them in each of these pictures.

Jessica: show they are bad

Babs: not sure, I see other pictures of them fighting.. something, I'll have to look more into it.

Babs checks her phone and gotten a text from Kara.

Babs: hey it Kara, she said Diane wants us.

Jessica: alright 

They hang up and babs puts up her computer. She got on her moped and drove to sweet Justice, she got to the table an enter the hatch. All while change suits. Batgirl now slides down meeting with the girls as they face there prisoner. In the cage was Dear old Mickey, who was chowing down on chips.

Supergirl: hey those are mine[takes the chips]

Wonder Woman: we are gonna ask you questions

Mikey: sure go ahead

Wonder Woman: very well first-

Zatanna: what are you 

Mikey: Oh that's easy, I'm a turtle. Who's a mutant

Green lantern: two why are you here. 

Mikey: well that's actually personal, you see we wanted to leave out hometown New York. 

Batgirl: okay one more question, what are these nunchucks for.

Mikey: well that actually private can you just[reached for them]

Batgirl: ah I don't think so, wonder what these do,

Wonder Woman:That's enough, finish answering out questions

Mikey: not until I get my phone call. 

Supergirl: sure you will, not

The cover the cage with a top. 

Green lantern: so what can you tell

Wonder Woman drags her lasso out of the cage.

Wonder Woman: he's telling the truth

Supergirl: what, but he's gotta be

Batgirl: well not everyone's a bad guy when we met them, remember the invincibros.

Bumblebee: y-yeah they were nice.

Batgirl: anyways I'll just run test in this, and I'll also might add this to my weapon list. 

She starts spinning the nunchakas, doing flips and twist. Then sudden they glow and flames come out the ends.

Batgirl: woah

Flame heads form and had Mischievous laughs. They pulled batgirl everywhere. Even in different directions and spun. The girls helped her but it went everywhere. Mickey heard the crashes and screams and chuckles.

Mikey: shouldn't have mess with it

Mikey pressed his turtle logo as it it blinks green.

Mikey: time to have some fun

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