Chapter 6: Oversaid, overheard

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(too much dialogue?? idk)

Annabeth's P.O.V

(Friday, during school)

All day. Lindsay would not stop going on about the meaningless party all day.

I mean, sure. Seeing her ecstatic can never a bad thing but the girl never stopped.

Not in the morning, not at lunch and certainly not during Mr. Trimble's never-ending History class.

Which also happened to earn both of us a spot on his 'potential detention' list. One more strike and we'll have to spend one more hour in his dusty, archaic classroom. One more hour with the Founding Fathers of America staring intensely up at us from our desks. Yes, it's as bizarre as it sounds.

Anyways, after leaving said classroom we headed on over to our lockers, packed up our stuff and made our way to the outside terrace, where we stand now. We as in Percy, Lindsey, Cody and I.

The scenery screams autumn, despite how early into the season it is. The wind blows harshly against my face and neck, causing me to curse myself for forgetting my scarf this morning. Very few patches of grass can actually be seen, most of it covered by a thin layer of brightly coloured leaves.

And it's quiet, for once. A rare sense of tranquillity falls over the four of us.

Well, turns out all perfect moments in life come to an end, as Lindsay interrupts the silence.

"Hey, um.  Would you guys mind if Cody and I just uh.. chatted for a bit? It'll only take a minute, I promise" Lindsay rushes out, in a seemingly single breath. Taking a quick glance at both Cody and Percy, I note that the two seem to be just as puzzled as I am.

Lindsay has been going on and on about how she can't wait to get home and plan all day- and now she's delaying her arrival?

"Yes, of course. Everything alright?" I ask, brows scrunching in confusion. "Should I be suspicious?"

"No no, all is good. Don't worry about a thing! We'll be back!" she responds, grabbing Cody by the forearm and dragging him away with a faux reassuring smile.

I wave back half heartedly while Percy stares down their tracks, unsure of what to say as well. With a cough and a questioning glance I break the ice.

"..What just happened?"

He snorts and responds with a shrug "Not a clue. That's usually the case with those two"

Nodding, I take a seat on the bench that is- quite conveniently- placed just to my left.

"Although, Lindsay did seem a bit restless today. You happen to know anything 'bout that?"

Laughing with exasperation I reply, "Almost wish I didn't. The girl has been constantly chattering away about her party tomorrow. She simply won't relent, I'm telling you"

He laughs fondly and nudges for me to make some room on the bench. "You don't seem too excited?" he notes sitting down, not meeting my eyes.

I shrug, watching him tap away at his jeans, eyes flickering about. "Not my thing"

"Yeah, I get that. I guess I can stick around with you. Depends on how much you'll pay. " he grins devilishly as I roll my eyes.

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