Chapter 4: Bailing and Detention

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Annabeth's P.O.V

(The next day)

I am currently standing at the back of my school alone. I was supposed to be meeting up with Lindsay but she backed out last minute.

I didn't feel like going home yet, and it was a nice day, so I decided I'd stay for a while.

I sat under a nice shady tree, and retrieved my book. Good thing I remembered it this morning.

Just as I was getting to a really intense part, I heard someone call out my name. Or rather, Stacie's name. I looked around to see who it was.

Seriously, whoever it was had really bad timing. I looked up to see the most brilliant smile looking down at me.

It's Percy!

No wonder he had bad timing. I wouldn't consider Percy someone with good timing... or luck.

"Hi Stacie. Mind if I stay a while?" he says and my heart swells with every word.

"Yeah, of course" I reply as he slides down next to me.

"What are you doing here," he asks, "cause there's like no one else here"

I look around and realize that he's right! It's only us here. I must have been reading my book for a long time.

"Lindsay and I were planning to go out but she bailed on me. How about you?"

"I had detention" he replies.

"What for?" I ask, curious.

"Something about not paying attention in math class" he says and I laugh.

I blame his ADHD.... and his hatred for math.

"So, whatcha reading?" he asks looking at my book.

"Oh, u-um..." I stutter, but he cuts me off before I can finish.

"Hey!" he says looking at the writing, "is that Greek?"

I figure there's no use lying to him so I nod.

"So, you're Greek?" he asks excitedly.

I shake my head.

"I had a friend back home who was, and she taught me a lot" I say, then cringe at my horrible lie.

"Huh" he says examining the book for a second before looking away.

I suddenly become super shy, which is crazy because he's my boyfriend, and we've known each other since we were twelve. Although, I guess it isn't that weird, considering 'Stacie' and Percy have only known each other for a day.

"Well," he says, "I should probably head back home, it's getting kinda late"

I want to say, no don't go! But that would just make things awkward and probably result to him figuring out who I really am, so instead I say, "You're right. Well, see you tomorrow I guess?"

"See you then" he says and walks off.

I make my way back home with a huge grin on my face.


Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HoO, all rights go to Rick Riordan.

Hey guys.

I'm really sorry I haven't updated in forever. I just got kinda bored of the story and took a writing strike.

And then today I opened up my beginning draft of chapter 4 and suddenly a whole chapter was finished!

Again I'm really REALLY sorry but I'm back now! Expect more chapters soon.

Thanks for all the support, I love you all.

Bye peeps!


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