Chapter 9

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Thomas's POV

I open the dorm's door. And see Fleurinne with her back to me singing and doing homework. I know the song is Take It From Me by Jordan Davis in English but Fleurinne is singing it French. It sounds very pretty. I try to quietly close the door but it slams. I wince.

Fleurinne turns around in the chair, "Thomas?" She asks, "I thought you weren't going to be back till tomorrow."

"Well, I was but then it turns out I got the flight time wrong, so here I am." I say.

She giggles, "That seems to be a theme with you."

***Three weeks later***

That night Fleurinne grabs a bunch of things from her bag.

"What are you grabbing?" I ask.

"Ze dance, remamber?" she says.

"Dang it, I forgot." I say.

"Tou asked me laust week, do tou not remamber that?" she asks, giggling.

"No, no, I didn't forget, I just, wasn't, umm, yeah I forgot." I laugh it off.

She starts laughing along with me. About half an hour later she comes out wearing a, , and and is awesome. She looks beautiful.

Fleurinne smiles nervously at me, "Does I louk good?"

"You look, you look, you look..." I can't finish because I'm awed by her.

"I vnew it, I look tarriball." she whines sadly.

"No, no, you look amazing, Better than amazing. You look awesome times three million." I answer.

"Thawnk you." she says, her adorable French accent making it hard for me to think about anything else.

"Let's go, shall we?" I ask.

She smiles and nods. We get down to the gym, where the dance is being held. Fleurinne grabs my hand and we walk in together. Some people stop what they are doing. A few girls glare at Fleurinne, who falters, then takes a deep breath.

We find a place to sit and chat for a bit, before dancing. Dancing with her, felt, I don't know, effortless? It was like she was the only one working and I was just there to look like a fool. She laughs every time I step on her toes. She tries to make me look good, but she's failing, drastically. She just can't make me look good. She tries to spin, but I fail doing it, and she trips, falling. I catch her before she hits the ground.

I just kind of hold her there. Slowly her face comes to mine Are lips crash together. She wraps her arms around my neck. Someone near us clears their throat.

"You know, this is a dance floor right? You should be dancing, not whatever that was." the girl says in an extremely sassy voice.

I'm startled and drop Fleurinne.

"Ow." she complains.

"Sorry." I say, helping her up.

We walk back over to the corner we were in before.

"You know Fleurinne, I really like you. Would you, do you. I mean." I take a deep breath preparing myself for the worst, "Do you want to be my girlfriend."

She nods her head violently, "Oui, oui."

I smile. She throws her arms around me and kisses me.

Fleurinne's POV

The next morning when I wake up I feel awesome. I have a boyfriend and one the my mother didn't choose for me. I do feel bad for lying to her those weeks ago, but at least I got her a Christmas gift she'll love.

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