Chapter 12

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Reine's POV(I don't think I've done POVs of characters other than Fleurinne or Thomas)

I walk in the house and see Fleurinne sitting, very close, to another guy on the couch. I don recognize him, so her must be this "guy" Fleurinne was talking about. I walk around and stand in front of the new guy. He has blonde hair and brown eyes, and kind of a babyish face.

"Hellooo." I say, curtsying.

He looks confused and shifts uncomfortably, "Umm, hello. You are?"

Fleurinne slaps his arm, "He's new to this. Reine, rencontrer Thomas." (meet Thomas) "Thomas meet Reine."

"Ravi de vous rencontrer."I say, purposely not speaking English.

"Reine says, pleased to meet you." Fleurinne translates.

"Nice to meet you too." Thomas says, clearly uncomfortable.

"Thomas dit, Ravi de vous rencontrer." Fleurinne tells me. "Pourquoi ne vas-tu pas te préparer pour ce soir? Je serai debout dans un instant." (Why don't you go get ready for tonight? I'll be up in a bit.)

"Oui." (Yes). I skip down up the stairs, hearing Fleurinne talk to Thomas. I hope he's not coming. I would be so embarrassed.

Thomas's POV(that night)

Fleurinne walks down stairs in a Her hair was down, her brown hair curled, and framed around her face. She didn't have any makeup on but it made her look all the more gorgeous. Reine followed her shortly after, also in a. Her hair is down up in two french braids made into a crown. Nadeleine trips on her flats coming down the stairs and Fleurinne gigglesm while helping her up. Nadeleine's is black as well. Avryll and Adelaide come down next. Both wearing (Avryll) (adelaide). Both girls had there hair in ponytails. Then Fleurinne's mom came down in a , her hair down. Then her dad in a .

Fleurinne grabs my hand, "Sorry you can't come, Tommy. I wish you could."

I shrug, "I don't really care, unless it's a dance at school, dressing up is boring."

She laughs, "But your an actor."

"So?" I tease. "What's the color scheme?"

"10 through 14 blue, 15 through 19 black, 20 to 24 red, 25 through 29 gold, 30 through 34 purple, 35 through 39 pink, 40 through 44 green, and then the pattern repeats. And that's only for girls, the boys just wear a black or white tuxedo." Fleurinne explains while the rest of her family goes through the front door.

A boy runs down the stairs in a "Suis-je en retard?"(am I late)

"Chevalier!" Fleurinne screams running into his arms, "ça fait tellement longtemps! Je ne savais pas que tu venais ce soir!" (It's been so long! I didn't know you were coming tonight!)

"nous devrions probablement partir, mais nous pouvons nous rattraper dans la limousine, je suppose?" (We should probably leave but we can catch up in the, I'm assuming limo?)

***After the ball***

"Hey, Fleaurinne." I say, as she walks in, she looks really tired and kind of upset.

"Hey Thomas, I'm really tired, I'm just going to go upstairs, sorry." she pecked my cheek and trudged upstairs.

The boy from earlier follows her, "It's Thomas right?" he asks me.

I'm shocked that he knows English, "Yes."

He holds his hand out, "I'm Chevalier, Fleur's older brother."

I shake his hand, "Nice to meet you."

He laughs, "Just for now," I blink at him, he laughs harder, "Kidding, nice to meet you too."

Fleurinne's POV

I groan as Mr. Baffier assigns a three page long essay for English homework. My phone starts buzzing like crazy. Thomas again, I think. Mr. Baffier glares at me. I turn my phone off, just then the bell rings.

"I'm sorry Mr. Baffier." I say, as I leave, thank god for the bell.

Thomas calls me again, I roll my eyes and answer, luckily it was 6th period. "Hey Thomas." I sing.

"Hey Fleurinne." he notices the lockers behind me, "Did I interrupt your class period?"

"Oh no." I lie, "It's sixth period, I was just leaving but had to put some stuff in my locker first." I add, pointing to my locker.

"Great, cause I was dying here." he laughs, "I could not sleep. Finals are horrible."

"I know, I have to write a three page essay by Friday, and still have finals for English." I say, noticing Gibbon's care, the triplets are already there. "I have to go, my friend is picking me up, but I'll call you back in say 10 minutes after I get home?"

"Yeah, go ahead!" Thomas says hanging up.

"Yeah thanks." I mutter, climbing in the passenger seat. "Hey Gibbon, girls."

"Je t'ai à peine vu aujourd'hui!" Cozette whines. (I hardly saw you today)

"Ouais." Cezanne says.(Yeah)

"J'essayais de rattraper ce que j'avais raté la semaine dernière." (I was trying to catch up with what I missed last week.) I answer, scrolling through my phone.

Gibbon could tell I was upset and sort of shushed the triplets. All I was thinking about was how hard last week was. Bewteen travelling for a modeling job and a small scene for a movie and our reality tv show, I was slammed. I didn't talk to anyone really besides Becky and the people in the movie and tv show. I rub my forehead, I was already getting a headache just thinking about it.

When we get to my house, I don't even think before i jump out and say, "Je vous verrai ce soir les gars!" (I'll see you guys tonight)

I don't wait to hear the response before I'm inside.

"Fleurinne!" my mom calls, "Can you come here."

"Ugh," I think rolling my eyes, "Coming mommy!" I call.

Thomas's POV

Fleaurinne calls me, "Good new Tommy!" she exclaims as soon as I pick up.

"What?" I ask, trying to keep my voice level, I had big news too.

"I'm going back to school with you! My parents wanted me to do it mostly for even more publicity, but also because they could see the aount of stress to balance all my jobs in America and schol in France!" she squeals with delight.

"That's amazing!" I exclaim, "You know the part about you coming here not the stress, oh you know what I mean!"

"You like your bursting with good news too!" she notes.

"I am. But it's not as good as yours. I got a job where there looking for a brunette to play one of the main characters. I told the director you were a perfect choice and there thinking about having you audition!"

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