Chapter 11

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I've been learning French, and one of the names they use is Thomas but they say something like Toe-ma. I can't help laugh each time. I've had to say that name before for one of the questions and I got it wrong.

Thomas's pov (a year and a half later)

I've been trying to learn french for Fleurinne but I'm terrible at it. She laughs a lot at me. We're almost to the summer of our Senior year of high school, it's had it's ups and downs but I'm super excited. Fleurinne told me she was spending the summer in France, apparently there was a lot she needed to catch up on. She said stuff about family. I mean I know she's an actress/model, but I still feel like there is something she isn't telling me.

On the last day of school, Fleurinne mentions visiting me for a week in London. Something about a job. I was hardly paying attention, I was just trying to find Jacob. He graduated, he's going to college next year.

Before Fleurinne goes to grab her suitcase, she kisses me. I hardly notice, I'm still struggling though the crowd to find Jacob.

Fleurinne's pov

I grab my suitcase and sigh. I feel bad for not saying goodbye to Thomas, But he so preoccupied I don't even think he'll notice. I catch a taxi and he drives me to the airport, after paying him I thank him and shove my way through the crowd building up. I mumble curses in French as people jostle me. when I finally make it to the terminal I'm running late and don't have time to stop for food. I sigh and take my head band off, shoving it in my bag.

"Excusez-moi mademoiselle, je suis perdu, pouvez-vous me diriger vers le terminal A10?"(Excuse me miss, I'm lost, can you direct me to terminal A10?) a lady asks me.

I point, "En bas un peu plus loin et à droite puis à gauche tout de suite"(Down a little further and to the right then to the left immediately)

She sighs and taps my shoulder, "Fleurinne, idiot. C'est moi."(It's me)

I look up and throw my arms around her, "Becky, je ne savais pas que tu venais me chercher"(I didn't know you were coming to get me)

"Changement de plans girly, je t'emmène à Venise. C'est un super boulot de mannequin et ils paient assez cher." Becky says, "J'ai votre billet ici. Allez, l'avion part dans trente minutes nous avons la première classe et embarquons les premiers."(Change of plans girl, I'm taking you to Venice. It's a great modeling job and they pay quite a bit of money. I have your ticket here. Come on, the plane leaves in thirty minutes, we have first class.)

I nod and she drags me to the terminal.

***Two Months later***

"Mom!" I yell.(I'd started speaking more English with her.) "Have you seen my pink school dress?"

"No." She yells back. "And come down here! I want to talk to you."


Thomas's POV

"Hey, Mom? Have you seen my phone!" I yell.

"Yes! It down here charging! Well actually now Ava has it!" Mom yells back at me.

"Ugh Ava. That's the last thing I need, before my flight?" I grab my suitcase and duffle bag and go down stairs.

Ava is sitting on the couch, playing on my phone. She looks up at me and smiles. "Are you looking for something?"

"Give me my charger, I can see it next to you, and give my phone." I say, gritting my teeth. She's doing anything to get from not leaving.

"Fleurinne's calling you." Ava says, holding out my phone.

I snatch it from her, scowling. Then I turn and smile at the camera. "Hi Fleurinne."

"Bonjour." She teases.

"That means uh, no, right?" I tease back.

She laughs, "So, my mom and dad told me they want me to finish up high school in France. I can't explain the exact reasons, but you can still come visit, maybe?"

I'm to shocked to answer, but when I try to it's just a squeak.

Fleurinne looks heart broken, "I get it. Are tou still coming tomorrow?"

"Say yes." Ava hisses at me.

I glare at her and say, "Of course I'm coming. Besides it's too late to refund the tickets."

She giggles, "Sure it is."

I laugh, "I'll see you later, I'm still trying to get packed."

She smiles, "Alright, I'll see you later Thomas."

I hang up and drop the phone in Ava's lap. "You keep that hostage until I'm leaving."

Ava looks at me worried, "If she's not going to school with you, are you still, you know, gonna be a couple?"

"I'm just taking this one step at a time. If Fleurinne's fine with a long distance relationship than I am too. But if she's not, I got no idea what I'm going to do."

Ava thinks about it, "Makes sense, but you should say what you want. Fleurinne ain't exactly an ice breaker."


Ava puts her feet up on the coffee table and puts her hands behind her head, "I know."

I throw a pillow at her and run up the stairs so she can't fight back.

"I'll get you back!" Ava yells.

"Stop fighting!" My mom yells.

I laugh and then I hear Ava laughing.

Fleurinne's POV

I knew it. He doesn't want to be with me if we can't actually be together. I sigh and step out of the closet. I didn't want my cousin, Reine(Ren) to hear me. She would flip.

"Fleury!" Reine yells, "Moi et Nadeleine allons manger une glace, tu veux venir." (Me and Nadeleine are going for ice cream, you wanna come.)

"Elle pourrait ne pas mais je suis!"(She might not but I am!) Avryll, yells sliding down the banister.

"À venir" (Coming!) Adelaide yells.

I laugh, "Je prends mon manteau!" (I'm grabbing my coat!)

The next morning I'm pacing through the living room waiting for Thomas's taxi to get here. My sisters and cousin are out shopping so it's the perfect time for Thomas to show up. My mom and dad are out too, so it really is perfect. There's a knock on the door and I jump. I jump over the couch, dang it, Avryll's getting to me.

"Hey, Thomas." I say opening the door for him.

Thomas's POV

"Hey, Fleur. Where am I staying?"

"The couch." She points behind her, "My cousin, Reine, is staying in the guest bedroom. Which is ironic. Oh yeah, she's princess so don't be impolite. She'll be used to anything else."

My jaw drops, "Your royalty."

"Yeah, so you and I aren't dating, okay?" She says dragging my suitcase into a coat closet. "You can grab it when you need it."

"Did you just break up with me?" I ask, my voice getting high.

She laughs, "No, first, Reine. And second, I may not have told my family yet."

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