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September 1st, 2021

Dear diary, I believe I'm a good person. You know, I think that there's good in everyone, but—here we are! First day of junior year! And uh... I look around at these kids that I've known all my life and I ask myself—what happened?

I woke up this morning feeling the impulsive dread of what was coming later today, audition. I turn on my phone to see the bright 5:00 am flash back at me. Making my way over to my closet I grab my dark blue sweater and a pair of black jeans. Quickly changing into it and going to put on my makeup for the daily I look down at my phone and read the newest text.

sasha: i'm running a bit late. connie is picking you up instead.

Damn it. Not only do I have this longing feeling of dread in my stomach, I got to ride with Connie instead. Don't get me wrong I love connie but he can be a bit loud sometimes.

Making my way to my bedroom door I make sure I look good enough for the day. Skipping on my backpack and grabbing my phone I make my way out the door.

"YO Y/N HURRY YOUR ASS UP I WANT TO GET BREAKFAST TACOS" and there it is the way I have to start of my day.Taking a deep breath in, mentally preparing myself for whatever my come my way today, "yeah, yeah hold your horses" God I wish I had my license.

The ride to school was reductively quiet on my part but with connie "convincing" me that he could be in a scream-o band was reductively loud. Deciding halfway that he didn't want to get breakfast we get to school 15 minutes before the bell, meaning I have time to do my unfinished homework.

Pulling out my Advance Pre-calc homework a) arctan(0)= I know the answer but it's just not clicking in my head.

Just when I'm about to write down what I think is it I hear, "it's zero dumbass" looking up I see the dark hair cascading down the face of the one and only, Levi.

"I knew that" no i didn't. "no you didn't" He read me like a book. not knowing what to do I just groan and put the paper away. Frustrated at myself I lay my head down on the table, maybe if I close my eyes i can pretend nothing happened.

"Look. if you don't study you're going to fail. I can help you later today if you want?" that is an offer I will not refuse. Being head in his class I'll gladly take any sort of help from him. Although he is a senior he does help me when needed, maybe it's because our parents our friends but I'm not complaining. Just as I'm about to accept the thought of auditions later today hit me.

"Can't we have auditions." yes I say we. Levi is assistant director. Needing to complete community service before graduation this is was Levi had to do. Now it was Levi's turn to groan and lay his head on the table.

"Can't wait to hear everyone's awful singing and try and dance." I hope he doesn't mean me. I mean, I'm not the best singer known to man but I'd like to say i'm semi-decent. Seeing the distressed look on my face he quick to add "not you of course. I'm looking at the future Veronica Sawyer." God no.

You see I don't want the lead role, just chorus or maybe Heather Duke would suit me. Anyways just as i'm about to reply to him I feel someone putting their hand on my shoulder.

"I know right, I'm hoping I get JD so I can kiss you all day long" can my day get any more worse looking up I see the one and only, Jean kirstein. "It's a stage kiss and by the looks of it you'll be lucky to be boy #3" with that i grab my backpack and try to make my way to first period. I would rather sit in my Ap English 3 class then talk to him.

As I make my way to leave Jean grabs my upper arm, "we'll see about that" and with that he makes his way towards his group of friends. I give Levi a quick glance signaling to him I'm going to class and preparing myself for the day.

_________ _________ _________ ____

Sighing to myself as I make my way towards the black box to eat lunch with Levi I run into the bastard himself, Eren Jaeger.

"Shit sorry I-" looking up at him I make eye context and it looks like he realizes who I am "Nevermind. I meant to do that". God he is so arrogant. Ever since middle school when he's been like this with me. I mean our rival hood was always present as we compete to be the best in our class but he takes it as far as to hate me.

"Can you just move out of the way" with that being said I try and push past him. As I get about half way behind him he grabs my wrist and turns me towards him. What's with people grabbing me today I swear.

"Are you audition later?" that's a dumb question. I've audition for every play since sophomore year. Between Christmas carol and you're a good man Charlie Brown. Rolling my eyes at him I give a slight nod, hoping that ends the conversation.

"Well I wouldn't if I would you." and with that he left. With that statement fresh in my head I continue to make my way to the black box. Seeing Levi as I enter I walk up to him.

"Hey is Eren audition?" with that Levi's eyes go wide and look down at me. "Yeah, for JD" shit.

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