Chapter 7; Gwi-nams Friends

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Cheong-san woke up and changed. After he did that he went to his moms room to ask her something.



"Can I do Taekwondo?"

"Sure. Is it because of Gwi-nam? "


"Okay. I'll go ask them"

"Thanks!" Cheong-san exclaimed as he walked out the room and went back to his.

"Hes gonna become just like Gwi-nam.. sigh"

"Hello?" Yoo-min asked on the phone

"Hello ma'am. What do you need?"

"May I sign my kid up for Taekwondo?"

"Sure! Their name and your name please?"

"Yoon Yoo-min"

"Your age?"

"31 female"

"And your kids?"

"Lee Cheong-san, Male, 10"

"Thank you maam! What is his schedule gonna be?"

"The same as Yoon Gwi-nams"

"So, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday?"

"Yes please"

"Okay! Its done now."

"Thank you" Yoo-min

Cheong-san went into his room and went on his phone. The phone he got for his birthday. He got hungry eventually and went to the kitchen to get food and saw Gwi-nam and his friends.

Cheong-san stared at them and just minded his own business and got food. He couldn't reach it so he askrd Gwi-nam for help.


"Hm?" Gwi-nam hummed

"Yoon? What the fuck-" All of his friends laughed and Gwi-nam glared at them.


After Cheong-san asked for help one of Gwi-nams friend pulled his arm.


"Im Doyun. You are?"

"... Cheong-san."

"Yah. Doyun. Let him go you fuckin-"

"jeez sorry" Doyun lets go and Cheong-san was about to walk away but somebody called him.

"Can you stay here?"

"Why..?" Cheong-san asked

"Your just really cute. Thats all"


After they kept doing that to him Cheong-san was of course pissed and Gwi-nam could tell. Gwi-nam went to get a glass of water so he walks away from his friends and Cheong-san which was a bad idea.

"Oi you brat!" Doyun shouts quietly

"..." Cheong-san got a flash of his memory when he was 4-5.

"What the hell doyun?!" Ji-hoo shouted at him

"What? scoffs Hes just a little adopted bitch."

"If Gwi-nams gonna find out hes gonna kill you!" Jin responded

Rose was hugging Cheong-san making sure he was safe and comfortable.

"He wont be the only one killing you..." Cheong-san responded with glare and a smirk

Cheong-san puts on a fake cry and screams


Gwi-nam​ rushed back to them and saw Doyun beating him up while Ji-hoo, Jin, and Rose were trying to stop him.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Gwi-nam shouted

Of course, Yoo-min heard his scream and went downstairs.

"Gwi-nam why are you-" before she could finish that sentence she saw Cheong-san and rushed to him.


"I-Its not what it looks like!" Doyun shouted

"You screamed at him and beat him up!" Rose exclaimed

"No I didn-"

"Yes he did!" Cheong-san said

On the other hand Ji-hoo, Jin, and Rose were smirking at Cheong-san.

"Get out of my house. NOW!" Yoo-min shouted at Doyun so Doyun left immediately.

After that Yoo-min went back to her room furious.

Gwi-nam wiped his tears and just told him to watch tv. He did and he watched sum ✨tEcHnObLaDE✨

He watched with Gwi-nam and Gwi-nams friends. Cheong-san hated Doyun while he loved Jin, Ji-hoo, and Rose. After they did that they just got bored and did random things.

Words: 586

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