City Reject (Book 2)

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America was loud. That's the only word I could use to describe it. Stores are open 24/7. Cars are constantly on the road. Something was always happening no matter the time.

Moving from a small town to New York City was crazy. I couldn't make heads or tails of what the hell was going on. Just walking down the street to a local convenient store almost cost me my life 4 times.

Cars are constantly moving and never stopping for anything. I was so used to cars giving way to pedestrians that I have a habit of walking out onto the street. That stupid habit caused me to almost get hit by taxi drivers or delivery trucks. I'm seriously rethinking this living with my father thing.

Don't get me wrong, getting away from my sh*t hole of a hometown has been amazing but it was a place I knew. I knew everyone in my hometown. I knew how to disappear into the background in my hometown. Here... here I don't know anyone besides my family. Here I stick out like a sore thumb because everything is so new. It's crazy how badly I would take the disgusted looks back home than the looks of pity and annoyance in this new place.

People here don't have the time or the patience for foreigners and it's very easy to tell. They're always on the move and if you get in the way for however short a time they get mad. I honestly don't know what to do.

On top of feeling so out of place, my family are acting weird. They're being nice, too nice and it's starting to get creepy. I haven't heard a single insult or snide remark since arriving here and it's creeping me out.

It's like they're scared I'm going to off myself or something. Like seriously? They've got to be kidding right? If I've endured nearly 12 years of being treated like a reject and haven't off'd myself, so why the hell would I do it now?

That's still not the end of my damn trouble either. On top of dealing with a new place and a creepy family, I am now pregnant. I've turned into a damn statistic. An unplanned teenage pregnancy.

Seriously, how the hell did I mess this up so badly? I was trying to give Ryder a clean break for f**k sakes and now look! I ran away to a different country and left him with nothing but a damn letter. I couldn't even forgive myself for the way I left, how the hell was he meant to forgive me?

I still wasn't sure what I was meant to do about Ryder. Do I just go home and tell him what has happened? Do I hide it from him and never tell him? Guilt hit me like a ton of bricks every time I thought of that option.

I knew Ryder loved being a father to Aria. He was so amazing and dropped everything when it came to her. If he didn't know about this child and wasn't around for their childhood at all. I'm sure he'll never be able to forgive me for doing that to him.

But honestly? What are my other options? Abortion? Not an option. I will never kill my baby. Adoption? Know my child is out there and not with me, will break my heart. I could never have the strength to give up my child.

Sigh... I guess that means I'm going home after only being gone for a few months... f**k!

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