Therapizing the babysitter

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Third person POV.

As Isabella was waiting on the side road for someone to pick her up. Alexander with a sport car stops and gives her a sign with his hand to get in. Her eyes widened when she saw a handsome man waiting in the car in front of her. With his dark hair and piercing grey eyes, he was a sight for sore eyes. His jaw was strong and slightly clenched while his lip was tugged upwards in a nervous smile. She looked him up and down, biting down on her lip. Isabella blushed as she gets in the car, seeing the knowing look on his face. She can't believe that she was caught checking him out. She felt her stomach fill up with butterflies.

Isabella (entering the car and placed her bag on the chair between her and Alex): Hello sir, I really appreciate taking me, no one stopped to help me, people have no manners these days, I'm Isabella by the way.

Alexander: (Staring at the road without giving her a mind) Nice to meet you Isabella, where are you heading to?

Isabella (rolling her eyes at him): Any place away from here.

Alexander (In a husky and deep voice): Are you in trouble?

Isabella (her eyes burned with unshed tears and her hands shook): My husband cheated on me with the maid. And I don't want to stay here.

Alexander: Sorry to hear that. How do you feel now?

Isabella (buried her head into her hands and screamed loudly): Nothing but pain in my heart as its broken into tiny shards.

Alexander (leaning to her while driving and wiping her tears): calm down my friend; I can imagine what you are going through. Do you have a place to stay?

Isabella (hiccups left her mouth, letting out few more tears): Yeah, I'm going to my brother's house and I'm staying there till I get my divorce compensations.

Alexander: Can I ask about your brother location? To take you there.

Isabella: Drop me in any bus station and he will take me from there.

Alexander: It will be a long journey then, there are no bus stations in this highway.

Isabella: That's what I was afraid of, well.. tell me something about you.
Because I'm really not in the mood to start.

Alexander: Okay then, I will go first, few years ago I had a girlfriend and while we were camping on our first date, I decided to bring my car closer to the tent to make sure that our tent will not fly because of the wind, and while I'm moving the car, I heard the wheels smashing something, but I didn't mind, when I stepped out of the car, I found out that my girlfriend has an artificial leg which unfortunately is what I drove onto.

Isabella (putting her fist on her mouth to muffle her sobs): Shut up, what happened after that?

Alexander (IN SQUEAKY VOICE): I freaked out; I even offered one of my legs. Next day I moved to another city,

Isabella (Giving a small grin): That's the weirdest short story I have ever heard.
I don't think that I have any stories to tell after yours.

Alexander: How about you telling me how is your husband cheated on you?

Isabella: Nothing special about that story, she was flirting with him since we hired her and my husband is weak like every fucking man.

"An hour later they arrived to a bus station, there was tears forming around Isabella eyes, she hugged Alexander tightly and pulled the handle of her luggage up and started walking towards her brother's car. Alex heart pounded heavier with every single step that she took away from his car."

Next morning, Alex went to college to give his regular lecture about psychology and like any normal day, he went to his office to see his patients who pay three hundred dollars per hour just to narrate their problems. He does nothing to help but listening, sometimes he is not listening.

At the end of the day, on his way home he found a newborn baby on the side road with blanket on him.

He pulled over, didn't know what to do except staring at the baby's green eyes and his angelic face.

Few minutes later he called the police to tell them about the baby he found, they said that this is not their jurisdiction and he has to take the infant to a church or a hospital.

Alex doesn't trust any of them, so he decided to take him to his place, but before that, he went to a pharmacy to buy what babies need.

He arrived home with the baby and browsed YouTube how to change diapers and how to make milk for a newborn baby.

For the next few days, I couldn't attend any lectures or seeing my patients because I couldn't find a babysitter. That day while I'm feeding him, the door bill rings to find out that Isabella standing out there.

Isabella (looking at alexander with nervous eyes and pouty lips): What a Coincidence old friend, long time no see.

Alexander (rubbing his forehead with three fingers): Hey Isabella, how did you find me?

Isabella (entering inside the flat waiting alexander to close the door): I didn't, this address is for someone who is looking for a babysitter and that's what I decided to do, my lawyer told me that divorce cases take time so I have to find a job till I get my compensations from that greedy bastard, I didn't know that you have a baby.

Alexander (leading her to the living room): I do actually, what did you know about babysitting anyway?

Isabella: I know everything, babysitting was my first and last job before getting married.

Alexander: Are you sure that you are good of doing this?

Isabella: Don't be Pessimist, you will like what I'm doing, what's is your son name.

Alexander: Kayce.

Isabella: What about yours?

Alexander, you can call me Alex, I thought that I told you about my name that day.

Isabella: Nice to know your name Alex. Let's talk business. shall we?

Alexander: I will pay you twenty bucks per hour and you can eat and drink whatever you want from the fridge, I have a great coffee machine you will love it. All you have to do is taking care of Kayce.

Isabella: Don't worry about that.

Alexander: Okay then, I have to leave now, see you at evening.

Later that day, Isabella walked into the kitchen carrying kayce on her shoulder, she sat down on the stool, and she took her phone from the charger to find out that her husband Giovanni called her several times, she sighed, she had already had enough with him, she doesn't want him in her life anymore.
Isabella heard the front door opening. She turned her head to the entrance of the kitchen.
Alexander: Isabella, are you home?

Isabella: Yes, I'm in the kitchen.

Alexander (smiled softly at her): I bought some food for dinner. (placing the food on the table and sit next to her)

Isabella (Carrying Kayce and singing to him): Welcome back, how was your day?

Alexander (Pouring myself a rum from the makeshift bar spread out on the counter for me and her, I turn to her casually): Exhausting. What about yours?

Isabella (I ask her, leaning against the counter and taking a sip of her drink.): Nothing much, here and there. I've been in the kitchen for a while, I didn't know about the makeshift bar that you have.

Alexander (giving her my patented killer smile): It's my mistake, I mentioned the coffee machine but I didn't mention this one, how's Kacey been treating you so?

Isabella (playing with the sleeve of her off-the-shoulder top): "Pretty good. Things just got better with this rum.

Alexander (giving her the once-over before his gaze travels back up to meet hers) :Oh really? He's being a fuss isn't he?

Isabella (raising a perfectly arched eyebrow.  ):I bet you use Kayce and rum like that on all the girls, Does it work?

Alexander (Taking a gulp of his rum) Only the really hot ones. Can I say that you are attractive to the point of it being a distraction?

Isabella (leaving the kitchen with Kayce): Now you're definitely just flattering me. There's a code between the babysitter and the employer, you know that right?

Alexander (following her to the living room): I know that, I just wanted to say what inside my mine, it's keep kicking my head to go out. Want to head outside?

Isabella: (checking her phone): I should leave, it's getting late.

Alexander (sit down, putting his arm along the back of the couch and angling himself toward her) I would like to get to know you better.

Isabella (She pauses and considers before answering): Why do you want me to have this walk with, when there's a billion other girls out there who are way prettier than I am? Why not waste your time on them?

Alexander (He leaned forward her and give her a strange look using a deep voice) because you are my baby's babysitter and I want to know who is taking care of my son. It's not a date. (Placing his arm on the chair next to her)

Isabella: (Her face softened red, She looks up, scrunching her lips together and pretends to think) Because I have no power for this walk, how about sitting here and know each other better, are you okay with that?

Alexander (A grin spread over his face then he head to the kitchen while she was standing in front of the main door waiting his response): I'm in, (heading to the fridge grabbing two bottle beers) have a seat please.

Isabella (sitting on the couch): What do you want to talk about?

Alexander (opening the beer bottle for her and handing it to her) Anything you want.

Isabella (taking a sip of the beer): My full name is Isabella john Winfred, twenty-five years old. I have a bachelor degree in mathematics.

Alexander: Sorry for cutting you off. I don't want to interview you. I just want to have a small conversation with you. Tell me about your passion, your past. Your hobbies.

Isabella (Her whole body stiffening): My husband stole everything from me. My feelings, my thoughts, my passion. Simply conversations are not my type.

Alexander (kneeling in front of her, putting my hand on her knee):  I didn't realize that you're hurt that much. You're gonna be okay, believe me, it's just a rough time, you will pass it.

Isabella (her cheeks burning with embarrassment): No, I can't be okay, I don't even know how I'm I supposed to continue in this shitty life.

Alexander (sitting back in the couch):  Is that because of your husband?

Isabella (turned her head around and groaned): I'm not fully supportive for this divorce. But I don't want to stay with him at the same time. This man has no goals and ambitions not to mention he's a damn cheater.

Alexander (I placed my finger under my chin as if I'm thinking): divorce is the best option. And I will help you with your life. But we need more than this session.

Isabella: (turned around and starts walking out of the door): This was a therapy?! I'm leaving!

"Isabella left the penthouse without waiting alexander's response."

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