Another Babysitter

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Isabella POV.
(After a quick breakfast, while I'm cleaning the kitchen tools that I used a disgusting grasshopper jumped in front of me)  Argh, no, no, Ahh! No, no, no, please go away! Argh! (I shout, running to the Kitchen door when I am suddenly blocked by a wall of muscles) God! (I shout, trying to get out of the sudden hold on my waist.)

Alexander (holding my waist staring at my eyes) Whoa! Are you okay?

(Searching his eyes and trying to catch my breath) What are you doing here?

Alexander (He looks at me puzzled and that smirk on his face is way too distracting for my liking.): I live here. 

(Can't help but laugh) Are you kidding? I knew that. I meant why are you not in your office or college?

Alexander (with confusion look in his eyes): Today is Sunday, you know that right?

(I try to sound nonchalant, but I'm embarrassed, I didn't realize it Sunday) I should've know that, sorry. 

Alexander (shaking his head): Is everything okay here? (He keeps going; trying to look inside the kitchen as he is still holding my waist)

(I clear my throat, detangling myself from his hold.)  "Oh. Yes. No- I mean, there's a grasshopper in my kitchen. (I whisper)

Alexander (Trying to hide how stupid he thinks I am): Okay... They can't hear you. Why are you whispering?

(I whisper again) I don't know.
Alexander (motioning for me to wait by the door while he gets inside) Let me get rid of it for you. (A minute later he's back holding it in his hands)  All done, my friend. 

(I take a deep breath and make my way into the kitchen) Oh, thank God. (Giving him a small smile)

Alexander (Looking around the place): Are you going to be okay?

(His face is so close to mine, I can feel the freshness of his breath. I take some time to answer because I'm mesmerized by his beautiful eyes once again. Are they green? I clear my throat and put some distance between us) I will, thanks. (Putting a smile on my lips, but deep inside I am trying to calm my heart that is beating way too fast for my liking)

Alexander (He searches my eyes for another second before snapping out of it too. Giving me a smile, he walks back to living room). I'm going to by lunch. (Taking his wallet that placed on the table) text me if you need anything. (Leaving the penthouse)

"My mind trying to process what has just happened.  I moved here to start over, not to be charmed by a therapist who I'm babysitting his baby.  That's the last thing I need right now."

"The sun is just starting to dip into the horizon and the sky is awash in crimson, fading into dusky purple. Between the sunset and the view of the lake, I couldn't have picked a better setting if I tried. I was feeding Kayce on the sofa in front of the living room' window when Alex came in."

Alexander (carrying few food bags from his favorite restaurant): sorry for being late, I had to have a long conversation with one of my old friends. What about you? (Putting what he is carrying on the corner of the kitchen)

(Staring at how much food he brought) We're just sitting on the couch, talking, singing, and we danced earlier.

Alexander (Taking his jacket off and put it on the chair behind him): Dancing!! Really? I'm sad that I missed this part and I envy Kayce for having this company.

No need to envy him, he's been doing it on himself since you left.

Alexander (Opining the food bags): We can skip this part of what I said. You will love what I brought. (Taking few boxes out of the bag and placed them on the table of the living room)

"Later that day while I'm sitting in the balcony browsing some old messages between Giovanni and I. When something downstairs catches my attention.  Oh. I scoff, watching Alexander with a woman in the park. I don't know why, but I can't take my eyes off them. It's obvious they are comfortable around each other when he whispers something in her ear, and she giggles. Is she his girlfriend? Is she Kayce's mother? Why does it matter if she is, anyway? I bring my attention back to my phone."  

"After some time, I heard them laughing in front of the penthouses' door, this lady decided to walk with him to his penthouse before leaving."

Alexander (Was surprised seeing me standing there) Hey Isabella. (Giving me a full smile with a trace of humor in his eyes) 

(I force a sweet smile on my lips, as he searches my eyes.) Hey Alex.

(He smirks, leading the girl to the living room) have you met Natasha? (Staring at me, pointing at the girl beside him) 

(Offering her my hand)  Oh, where are my manners? Hey, I'm Isabella, the babysitter.

Natasha (Shaking her hand with a soft smile): Nice to meet you, Isabella.

(Keeping the smile on my face) I'm sure your boyfriend here told you about hiring me?

Natasha (Her eyes winded while she's shaking her head): Oh, he is not my boyfriend.

(I smiled as I lean on kitchen's door's frame) Really? You two do make a cute little couple. (Smirking when I see him biting his lower lip as if trying not to laugh)

Natasha (checking out her phone's screen): I should meet my mother now. How about we talk another time, Alex? (Looking at him before heading to the stairs waving us a goodbye) Call me another time. Hope to see you more next time Isabella. (Leaving the penthouse)

Alexander (heading to the stairs while he yawning): I will take a nap my friend, see you later.

Alexander POV.

"After three shots of coffee, I'm ready to start another day.  I have a brisk shower and opt to let my hair dry naturally. I took Kayce with me to my office and kept him with my secretary, Isabella couldn't come due a court hearing."

"While I'm reviewing some files for my patents Kevin enters my office, this man is a drug dealer, and he always has a reason to cry no matter what it is his name is Kevin."

Kevin (walking to the usual spot that he use to confess): Hey pal, Long time no see.

(Walking toward him and stand beside him in front of the lake window) I agree with you, I'm sure you have something interesting today.

Kevin (His motional tears start to appear): I always do, pal, I'm in love with one of my customers, but I have a problem with her. 

(Starting the recorder on the tablet while I'm opening a new note screen to write notes) Okay, I'm listening.

Kevin: She doesn't sniff powder to enjoy, she is doing it just to piss me off and that make her  an addict. 

(Giving him a silly look) Find another girl then and don't show her where the powder is.

Kevin (looking back at me with red eyes): I don't want a new girl, I want her, and I need her.

(Motion to him to sit on the patients' sofa so I can set too)Take her to the rehab for cocaine addiction then.

Kevin (closing his eyes roughly): It's heroine, Alex.

Thanks for correcting me, Kevin, take her for heroine then.

Kevin (lying on his left side so he can face me): I can't, she will dump me because of that.

Call the rehab without giving them your name, inform them about your lady and her address, and when they take her visit her as a hero by buying her things she loves while she is there, and when she recovers you will have a clean girlfriend in a short period.

Kevin (standing up, preparing himself to leave): You always have a solution, don't you?

(Lock the pad screen) Just for close friends.

Kevin (searching in his pocket): Okay shrink, I'm not carrying cash, do you accept powder? It's pure as fuck.

(Walking him to the door) No, we're good, next time bring some cash, have a nice day.

"At the end of the day, I took Kayce and my secretary Lisa to have dinner in a near restaurant before going home."

(Staring at Lisa while I'm driving away from my office) It was a busy day wasn't it?

Lisa (trying to calm Kayce down): Totally, you had many customers today.

(Using the blinker to turn left) Did you enjoy your time with Kayce?

Lisa (plying with Kayce's hair): We both did, he enjoyed his time too, try to bring him more often.

(Teasing her sarcastically) Are sure about that? you can work as a babysitter for him, if you want.

Lisa (Terrifying): No way, when I said more often, I meant once a week, not every day. 

I'm just kidding; you should see your face at the moment.

Lisa (sight in relief): Thanks God.

(Checking time on my phone screen) Any special restaurant you want to have dinner in?

Lisa (putting her palm on her stomach): Any place would be good, I'm starving.

Did I tell you that Kevin offered me powder instead of cash?

Lisa (Using her disappointment look): This man is one of a kind, he always offers me to sniff some before meeting you, this man trusts everyone that is not good for a drug dealer.

Isabella POV:

"I was in my brother's house getting ready for the divorce session in Giovanni's lawyer office."

Mathew (entering my room): Are you ready sweetheart?

(Putting some mascara) I'm almost done. I really appreciate you being with me in this situation.

Matthew (stepping out of my room)That's what family is for. I will be in the car. Take your time.

"Later that day we were sitting in front of Sam -The lawyer of Giovanni-."

Sam (motioning to us to sit in front of his disk): Good afternoon guys. I really appreciate your attendance Isabella. (Shuffling through his papers and glanced at us) You guys never made a prenuptial agreement.

(Crossing my hands on my chest) What does that mean?

Sam (handing me a legal article): It's a written contract by two people before they are married. It's a list of the property each person owns. And specifies what each person property rights will be after the marriage.

(Staring at Giovanni) I didn't really see the need to back then. Clearly, I was wrong.

Giovanni (held back his tears) I thought that we didn't need to, since I was so confident that we're going to be together forever.

(Staring at him weakly) Why you didn't think about that when you slept with the maid and every girl you had met since we got married?

Sam (stuttering): No need to make a fuss guys. How do you wish to divide up the shares? 

(Putting my palms on my thighs) Fifty fifty.

Sam (staring at him questioningly): Are you okay with that Giovanni?

Giovanni (burst out into tears): I want nothing but her, Sam. I admit that I made a mistake, but I will do anything to fix it.

You are full of shit, fix it by divorcing me you insolent pig. 

Sam (putting his palm on my shoulder to calm me down): Don't act so fast, Isabella.

(Scoffed and set back down again) I am calm.

Giovanni: I will fight to keep this marriage; I don't want to divorce you.

(Leaving the office) See you at court then.

Matthew (walking toward me when he sees me leaving the office): What happened in there?

(Handing the file that I took from Sam to Matthew) He doesn't want for this divorce to happen.

Matthew (trying to read the file that I gave then fold it): Really?! What are you planning to?

I know that Giovanni is rich and connected and he will use every connection in he has in this divorce. He's not going to win. I will not let him. He thinks that women are expendable and that I'll just cave. (Sighs)

Matthew (taking my hand and leading me out of the building): I will support you sis, you know that. Regardless, let's take you home.

(Sobbing) No. I need to eat, I'm starving.

Matthew (getting nervous when he sees me crying after we enter his car): Are you crying because what happened earlier or because you need to eat.

(Wiping my tears) Both.

"Later at the restaurant, Matthew and I were having dinner."

(Plying with my food using the fork) You're always there for me, matt, you never let me down.

Matthew ( look off to the side, he shakes his head back and forth): bill on you then.

"Few minutes later Alex enters the restaurant with a woman carrying Kayce on her chest."

(I shouted) finally, Kayce's mother. 

Alexander (Amusement flashed through my eyes and smirked at me): This is my secretary Lisa, Lisa this is Isabella Kayce's babysitter and her brother Matthew.

Matthew (Gasped dramatically and placed his hand to shake Lisa's): Hello, Hello, have we met before?

Lisa (Raised one of her eyebrows up): No, we don't, don't even try to introduce yourself or to flirt, I had enough today.

(Glared at Matthew) Sorry about that Lisa, I guarantee you Matthew won't talk the whole evening.

Lisa (shaking my hands): Thanks. 

"At the end if the night, Lisa, Kayce and alexander had to leave." 

(Motion to them to not leave) Don't leave guys.  We're enjoying our time here.

Alexander (putting his wallet back in his jacket pocket): Stay foot guys and enjoy, I've settled the bill for the rest of your evening, and please Matthew, don't drive home, take a taxi.

Matthew (making a bird shadow using his hands): I'm not sure if I can drive or not but I'm sure I can fly.

Alexander (Covering Kayce's face because it's cold outside): That's the point mate; take care of him Isabella, will you?

Don't worry. Nice to meet you again, Lisa.

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