Lightening in a bottle.

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Write a conversation between two people who both think the other is incredibly attractive, convey this through Delias internal monologue and Auroras body language.

After Delai introduces herself she thinks ohh god I could crawl into a hole and die I'm so embarrassed. Look at her face! She doesn't even like me. This is useless!. She watches Auroras eyes look her up and down and sees her pupils dilate.

Aurora seemed to have swallowed her tough, even though everybody knows this is impossible. Delia could see their face turning very slightly red, their pupils dilated as their bright green eyes roved down and up again. Delia thought she saw a glint of attraction in them but wasn't immediately sure. Her own heart skipped as she watched them fly back up to her face and she became aware of her own palms sweating. 'Ohh god, why am I so nervous? This is not going well. Say SOMETHING' she urged herself internally, face growing hot.
"Are you alright Miss Delia?" she heard the blonde drummer ask from behind the small redhead. Delia closed her dry mouth and nodded, glancing up at her and then flicking her eyes toward the tall bassist who had a smug grin on his stubbly face.
"Delia is such a pretty name" she heard Aurora say as though from a great distance, voice disappearing in places as though hoarse from singing. They cleared their throat and swallowed.
"Thank you for saying that. Can I uhh... I mean... Can I buy you a drink?" they asked tentatively, like they were choosing their words carefully. They shuffled their sneakered feet and ran one spindly hand through their hair, brushing back the waving red locks that didn't quite reach their chin.
"Delia nodded, her own heart racing. Aurora held out a shaking, delicate hand. Delia looked at it, then downward slightly at Aurora. They were smiling, their eyes lit up like a pair of christmas baubles. A slight flush rising up their freckled cheeks, Delias stomach flipped. She took it and Aurora lost no time in making a beeline for the bar, Delia tagging along close behind. She looked behind at the drum riser and saw the two other bandmates watching them, their faces leaving nothing to the imagination. The drummer was giggling and the bassists smug smile remained firmly in place, though it wasn't a malicious kind of smug. More like a satisfied sort of smugness. He leaned his elbows on the bass guitar hanging round his shoulders and tilted his head a little as though watching a child or pupil spread their wings.
Aurora had lead her to the bar, the wall behind was crowded above and below a long bottle shelf with innumerable pictures. They seemed to be photographs of music groups who had at some stage played at the bar. Some were grainy and black and white while others showed other signs of aging. A barkeep wearing doc-Martens and sporting thick dreadlocks saw them and sidled over, smiling sweetly.
"Hey there dears, great set today love! What can I get you and your gorgeous friend?" she said. Aurora bowed her head, blushing.
"Hi, ohh thanks. You're so sweet to say so! Just a dry martini for me and for my gorgeous  friend...?" they looked over to Delia who hovered awkwardly beside them.
"A gin and tonic please" said Delia quicky rattling off the first drink that came to mind. The woman nodded and set to work, filling a cocktail shaker with ice and vodka. Aurora turned their attention toward Delia, leaning on the bar which came up to the middle of their torso. There was a hungry look in their eyes and their androgyny was definitely messing with Delias head.
"Thanks, you played a great set" said Delia.
"Yeah, was it better than last time? I know you were there last time too, with some other people" said Aurora as they waited for their drinks. Delia remembered through rose tinted lenses the last time she'd been there with her little group of peers. She recalled how she'd been unable to tear her eyes away from the cute and interesting human standing in front of her. She must have looked like a total fool.
"Yeah! I mean... uhh, you were just as good last time" Delia quickly said, unsure if the person standing in front her was being genuine or trying to be a tease.
"That was my first gig, I was so nervous I screwed up two lines and fell behind the beat at least once" Aurora confessed, their eyes remaining glued to Delias. They were earnest, as though seeking some form of validation.
"I was here, and I didn't hear it" said Delia, taking her own drink from the bar and fishing her purse out of her shoulder bag. Auroras eyes darted toward it and they put their delicate hand on it. Delia looked at her and saw their expression was hardened slightly.
"It's on me dear. I got ya" they insisted, pushing it back down.
Delia sighed. "Okay, but next time, I got it, yeah?" she said. Aurora preened, raising their glass glass. 'Ahh, so there would be a next time' Delia thought to herself.
"So what's a hottie like you doing in a dive like this?" asked Aurora, their voice swimming in camp glee. Delia swallowed a giggle and almost choked on her drink.
"At the hands of my little group of mates. Actually we'd seen your bands flyers about campus and I was convinced to come after we finished finals. I don't usually get out much though..." Delia said, letting her sentence trail off a little as she stared soberly into her glass.
"So they dragged you kicking and screaming to the other side of the river. The bastards" Aurora said, looking up at Delia through their eyebrows, cradling their drink between two thin fingers.
"I wouldn't say kicking n' screaming. Nah. I was just feeling crap about uni" confessed Delia, wondering as she did so how much of her true self she really should show. She looked at Auroras face and saw in it a kind of hunger she'd only ever seen in her friend Nathan when he looked at Sarah after downing a few. Was she being flirted with? she asked herself, looking into Auroras eyes for more evidence, though unsure whether she would even recognise it.
"Well, thank you for coming again, you've made Chris so happy"

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