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"Greetings and Salutations."

That's how the hell that was senior year began. Jason Dean was a terrible person, even so he was a person. Nearly everyone at Westerburg High was terrible, he was just... damaged. Veronica couldn't believe this was her life. It's been one week since JD's death, and somehow, she feels to blame. She sometimes wonders what it would've been like if she never broke off that window lock, if she never went to see him that night. Heather, Ram, and Kurt would still be alive, Martha wouldn't have tried to kill herself, she wouldn't have had to sit through several never-ending, boring therapy sessions her parents sent her to.

"Shouldn't you be wearing black?" Heather McNamara asked, walking into Veronica's room.

In the week that everything had ended, her, Heather and Martha got along well. Martha had talked them into a sleepover the night before the funeral so they could comfort Veronica. As far as everyone knows, they were still dating at the time he died. Everyone thinks it was a basic suicide, nothing out of the ordinary for Westerburg.

Veronica faced herself in the mirror, straightening her blue ribbon in her hair, "JD liked this outfit on me." She said softly.

"Are you going to cry again?" Heather asked.

"I haven't cried." Veronica said.

"You did, last night. Something about Heather, then Ram, then Kurt, then finally mentioning something about JD before you practically broke down." She said, "It's okay to mourn."

"I'm not mourning him." Veronica said.

"You seem like you are." Martha said, walking out of the bathroom.

"I'm not. He's gone, there's nothing I can do." Veronica said.

She didn't give a shit about him before his death, but the way he talked to her so calmly before taking the bomb from her arms made her see the real him again. Not the murder he was, but just a scared, damaged kid. Just like her.

"We better go before we're late." Martha said.

Veronica nodded, grabbing her keys from her dresser, "I can drive." Heather said.

"My car's bigger." Veronica said.

"And Heather's is a convertible." Martha chuckled.

Veronica rolled her eyes and giggled softly, "Fine."

The trio smiled softly before going out into the hall and down the stairs. They were about to go out the door when they heard Mrs. Sawyer's voice behind them, "Veronica? Where are you three going?" She asked. Veronica turned to face her mother. They haven't really talked since the pep rally, only a brief conversation here and there on the ways to and from therapy that she was forced into taking. Mrs. Sawyer gasped softly, seeing her daughter in her old "popular girl" - As she would put it - clothes again, "Veronica, I thought we said no more to those clothes." She said.

"I know, mom. I just wanted to wear them... One last time." Veronica said.

"But, honey-"

"Mom, please!" Veronica snapped.

Heather rushed to her side, placing a hand on her shoulder. Veronica claimed she never realized, but Martha and Heather sure have realized how she would randomly lash out. It was just another thing that made them think she missed JD. Mrs. Sawyer simply nodded, also used to these moments by now. Veronica took a shaky breath before grabbing her friend's hands, "Let's go." She spat, before turning and practically dragging Heather and Martha out of the front door.

"Veronica!" Heather said, chasing her down the sidewalk to her car.

"What!?" Veronica asked, making the girls jump a little.

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