< Being Discovered >

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◇No One's POV◇

It was a normal day for (Y/N) as he headed off for work that late afternoon.

He smiled seeing his partner in crime, "Heya Angie, whats the outfit plan and song?"

"Well Star, remember that song me and Cherri wrote?" He giggled and nodded, "Thats what we're singin' and dancing to tonight, the one with that fun choreo we practiced, so choose an outfit that'll get the audience Addicted to you~" The spider winked as (Y/N) nodded running off excitedly to his dressing room giggling.

With the I.M.P. team they had just went into the club. "Sir is this really necessary?-" Moxxie asked, "Yes it is Mox we're gonna celebrate the right way cause we beat the bitch!" Millie whooped happily giggling while Loona rolled her eyes, as they got a seat at one of the two poles that were set up for the nights performance.

"Ooh this is so exciting isn't it Moxxie!" Millie giggled clapping as Moxxie gave a hesitant smile to his wife as Blitzø ordered drinks for them all.

Backstage (Y/N) had gotten into his cutest and slightly sluttiest outfit that fit the song.

Soon meeting up with Angel Dust they did their secret handshake ending with a hug giggling together before (Y/N) headed to the rafters to slide down his pole when it was his turn to sing, his mic on as he sat at the hole in the ceiling the pole went through ready for him to get on.

The lights dimmed and the 2 enthusiastic imps cheered as Angel Dust strutted out and to the pole opposite them.

As the music started up Moxxie perked alittle finding it a bit interesting.

Angel started to sing as he circled his pole soon getting into it.

Suddenly a 2nd voice started to sing as the spotlight on Angel Dust faded and the pole the 3 imps and hellhound were sat at lit up, a familiar owl slowly sliding down and around as he sang,
"Now you fell in love, so you fell deeper in this pit.."

The most shocked of the 4 when finally recognizing him was Moxxie, Millie and Loona however watched in awe at how graceful he was on the pole smiling.

Blitzø however couldn't help but get a small video and a photo of the sexy looking owl. When seeing the 4 (Y/N)'s eyes lit up slightly in surprise and joy that his new friends liked the performance so far.

As the refrain came he stood and reached a hand to Millie and to Loona smirking and playfully winked. They both looked at eachother and smiled then giggled and took his hands getting up on the stage with him and they soon followed his moves dancing along, Angel smiled seeing his bestfriend had some more friends, he felt proud of him.

They continued to dance together as the dance break broke out and the 4 of them then moved center and danced giggling softly a bit.

He then led the two offstage as the song soon ended and got on to do the finale of the dance with Angel and posed suggestively.
The crowd erupted in applause and money throwing it onto the stage to which they smiled and bowed then went to go collect it all. After they walked off and to the backstage to count up and evenly split the money.

"Ima tell Stolas-" Blitzø smirked showing the picture of (Y/N) and Angel Dust on the poles smirking. "Sir I wouldn't you don't know how his father would react!" "So?" "So what my husband is tryin' to say is, maybe there is a reason he hasn't told Stolas! So we should respect his privacy."

"Hmmmmmm nah-" "Blitzø I wouldn't if I were you. You know what happens when Stolas gets mad or shit." Loona looked over at him seeing a little worried as well siding with the other 2 imps. "Well whats wrong with some drama?" He smirked as he hit send on his messages laughing maniacally. The other 3 looked between eachother frowning and a bit worried. "Now let's go find him!"

The group then together went to the backstage door, the guard seeing Millie and Loona who (Y/N) had let up on stage to dance he let the small group in when requesting if they could go see him. "Ima get more blackmail!" Blitzø cheered chuckling.

◇(Y/N)'s POV◇

I was sitting on a sofa in a more comfortable outfit wearing Strikers jacket he had given me so I could always have a piece of him with me, he is just so sweet!

I hummed softly to myself just tired from the big performance and my claws hurt from those shoes I wore.
"(N/N)!" I looked up and seeing Millie and Moxxie smiled and happily accepted a hug from Millie, "Hey Mils! You guys enjoy the show?" I smiled happily as her and Loona nodded thanking me for letting them even join in. "Yeah I think your father will as well!" I heard an irritating voice say. I looked up to see my fathers sex buddy. I knew his voice all too well. "My what-?!"
As I tried to process what he said he repeated it, "I'm sure your father will like the show too."
I froze seeing he had his messages opened to my father and a photo and video. I felt my heartbeat as well as my breathing had stopped, and soon started getting faster my talons shaking as to which the girls caught on quickly trying to calm me down. 'He's..gonna kill me!...I don't wanna lose my freedom!...' the thoughts of my fathers warnings played in my head as I started to cry silently their voices around me becoming muffled. I could tell 2 people were yelling at eachother in the background and a grey and red blob infront of me trying to talk to me. Soon the grey one ran off and the red was now holding me petting my hair cooing softly to me wrapping me up more in the big jacket i had on me. In the moment I forgot whose it was.

◇No One's POV◇

Loona ran quickly down the hallway to find Angel Dust's dressing room, once there she knocked a bit frantically on the door. "I'm comin' I'm comin'!" He called out soon walking over to the door opening it. Seeing Loona he got confused, "Yes Stars friend?"
"Help! He's having a panic attack my dad texted pics and vids of the show to Stolas and he's panicking!!"

Angels eyes widened, "Lead me to him." They both quickly ran down the hall to get to (Y/N).

The spider quickly took the owl from Millie and held him shushing him softly holding him close, "Star..star its okay..here listen to my heartbeat, try and match my breathing." He said softly as the small male looked at him trembling.

Slowly Angel was able to get him to calm down and ordered Blitzø out much to his displeasure and soon security escorted him out.


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