Start a Riot

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Tony Stark is developing a weapon. But the Avengers don't call it that.

Interplanetary Defense System is the term they keep using, but all the experiences you have had on Sokovia make you believe it is just a fancy way of calling it.

Bruce has finished evaluating your blood and has decided that you should remain under observation while he figures out how to remove all the rest of the serum from your body.

What he told you was that you had spent too much time getting too much of the substance, and your cells started to heal themselves with the serum in them, and you were practically producing it again by yourself, as if your nervous system understood that the substance was already part of you.

Bruce's words startle you, but he gives you a tender smile, and assures you that he will help you.

"Does that mean I can't go to Sokovia?" You ask as soon as he finishes explaining, and watch him frown and hesitate. Natasha, who is standing next to him, clears her throat and looks at you with slight guilt.

"It might be best if you don't leave the compound for the time being." She says and you cross your arms. Steve also moves behind them, his posture more friendly.

"We can't risk you being controlled by Hydra again." He reasons. "But we won't lock you up here against your will."

You look away, feeling your stomach turn with anxiety. All you want is to find the twins, but running the risk of hurting them or being captured again should they encounter Hydra soldiers is high, perhaps higher than you should take.

"Can you promise that you will bring them back?"

Steve gives you a smile and he is about to add something to it, but Tony Stark's voice breaks into the lab through the communication speakers.

"We have a problem, Avengers." He warns and you exchange a quick glance with the others before everyone moves to Tony's lab room, where he and Thor were working with the stone.

You feel a tingle run through your hands as you enter, surprised to see the stone exposed in the air, outside the scepter.

"What's the matter, Tony?" Steve asks worriedly, approaching his friend.

There is a hologram in the center of the room, you don't know what they are, but you remember Tony briefly mentioning that he was trying to decode all the atoms in the stone. It's a much more advanced science than you got a slight glimpse of in high school from a country at war, so the most you can say is that it seemed hard.

The problem is called Ultron.

You don't really understand what it is at first, but you know it's something bad by the look on the avengers' faces.

All you can do is wait for them to finish talking, and yell at each other. Tony explains that he underestimated the power of the stone, and that when trying to create an artificial intelligence that would predict attacks like the ones in New York, a kind of technological consciousness overpowered Jarvis and the rest of the tower, only to escape using the Internet while he also took the scepter and most of Tony's iron army with him. Tony had no chance to control it, Ultron being far more powerful than any technology he had.

Now, the Avengers were racing against time to stop Ultron from gaining access to nuclear codes, and you were trying to stay out of the way.

Bucky, who was not participating in missions, joined you in the backyard while you were sitting on the grass, having been uncomfortable with the way the Avengers were upset.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Bucky asked as he sat down next to you. You sighed.

"Sure, I just don't like the screaming." You muttered looking forward. The compound was really quite beautiful. You didn't tell Bucky that this kind of angered attitude reminded you of the way soldiers behaved in Hydra, and part of you knew that you didn't have to say anything for him to understand.

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