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Maybe this was all going to fast. Maybe cameron was right, this could be fake. Its just been so hard, living the life I do. I find that the people I trust always end up hurting me (except cameron) and the people I don't trust always turn out to be the good ones.

we eventually made up about a week later and forgot about the whole thing. We hadnt seen "my brother" in 2 weeks, so we decided to drop the matter until he came back.

Cameron was sleeping softly next to me around 2 weeks after our first real fight, and I smiled. I was lucky to have someone love me as much as he did.

I was just about to wake him when he started whispering something.

"Hm?" I said softly. He was sleep talking.

"I didn't want to do it," he said, "It was a mistake. I love you, Gab." What the hell was he saying?

"Cameron, you're scaring me!" I said louder, and he shot up.

"What, what happened?" He asked.

"What didn't you want to do" I asked, "what was the mistake." His eyes widened,

"Oh fuck." He whispered.

"Tell me what's going on." I said strictly.

"Gab, look," he said, "before I tell you what i'm about to tell you, I want you to know it was a mistake, and I love you more than anything."

"What did you do?" I asked , crying.

"I was so mad, and I had too many drinks, and She was fighting with her boyfriend-"

"You cheated on me?" I asked weakly. He went white,

"Gabby i'm so sorry I don't even know what to-"

"You don't even know what to say?" I asked, "good, because theres nothing you can say! When did this happen?"

"The week we broke up." He said. I jumped out of bed and grabbed a bag and started throwing all my clothes in.


"I know that, of course. Gabs, please." He said, and he grabbed my arm.

"LET GO!" I screamed, "YOURE HURTING ME." He released immediately, and I ran downstairs to the door, but he beat me to it and stood infront.

"I know youre mad," he said, "but I would never do anything to hurt you," he said, "this life is all new to me, i'm losing my mind!" And than I slapped him. He held his cheek and looked at me in shock,

"You have no right to tell me you're losing your mind. Its been 2 weeks for you, while its been almost 9 years for me!" He was tearing up. Cameron dallas of all people was tearing up,

"Im so sorry," he said, "how can I make you forgive me."

"You know what," I said, "I shouldnt be the one who has to leave. You cheated on me, so now you leave and give me time to think."


"Out." I said. And he left. In his sweatpants and tshirt, and without anything. "

Screaming, I ripped all the pictures of us off the wall until there were none, because all my pictures were with him. He ruined me, he sucked the only part of life I had in me out, just when I thought he was making things better. Just when I thought he was teaching me how to live again, he ruined everything. So now i'm left with nothing, except with a memory of the past, and a glimpse of what could've been.

But I still love him. Even after finding out that he cheated.

I called Emily crying. She knew everything now, and was still one of my best friends.

"What would you do?" I asked.

"Well," she said, "we all make mistakes. But this is a big one." She sighed, "he really does love you, though, so i'm sure he's probably kicking himself right now. Plus, this isnt just anyone, it's cameron. You guys have been through more than anyone has ever gone through in a year. So I think you should just let him say what he has to say." I took this into consideration. She was right. It wasnt just anyone.

But in this moment, I hated him.

I needed more time to think, but Cameron didn't get that. In a way, i'm happy Cameron came back, because it meant he cared.

He came back 2 days later. I was crying since 8 in the morning that first day. I couldn't believe he did this to me.

"Please let me talk to you." He said.

"Cameron..." I started.

"Please," he said, "give me 5 minutes, that's all I need."

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