I'm so sorry, Cam

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I wish I had family to tell about the exciting news. Oh thats right, I do, but I can't tell him. I can't even consider him family because my fiancé says he's lying. I would go behind his back, but we promised eachother no more secrets. No more fooling around, this is happening.

That night we had sex. Plain and simple. It was the most magical and romantic night of my life. I'm not going to lie, I was very intimidated, considering Cameron has had plenty of practice, and well, I haven't. He actually said I did good for my first time though. I felt proud.

But enough of that, I doubt you wanna hear about my sex life. This is not 50 shades of grey.

Moving on.

I was sitting in bed the next night when I overheard a conversation between Cameron and his mother. He was speaking to her on the phone in the bathroom. Based on his tone, I could tell she wasn't thrilled about the news,

"Mom, listen, i'll explain it as many times as I have to." He said. He was trying to remain calm, but you could hear him on the verge of losing his mind.

"I love her. I don't care how old I am. You of all people should know that I don't like letting people in, but I let her in, which says a lot. And besides, we're already living together. Why should it matter to you?"

Those words struck me. "We're already living together." He needed a place to stay, since he is now a part of witness protection. Does he only want to marry me so that it won't be awkward?

He came back out and smiled sheepishly,

"She's on board." He said. I smiled back weakly, before I blurted out,

"Are you only marrying me to avoid the stress of being on your own?" I asked.

"excuse me?" He asked.

"Cameron," I replied, "you are aware that if I ended up kicking you out, you would have had to change your name, your appearance and relocated, right."

"Of course I knew that," he said, "and if ultimately you wanted that, than thats what I would've done, because again, i'd do anything for you." He paused, "I told you, I wanted to marry you because I love you. I know I've only known you for 2 years but I don't care. When you're in love you just know. We're meant to be together."

"I know," I said, "I was just making sure."

"Gabs, please don't ever think that."

"I don't," I expressed, "I really just wanted to make sure. I don't have any doubts. I love you and you know that. Nothing could break us."

"Okay," he said, "okay."

"Come here." I said, and he hesitated, but than I patted the spot next to me on the bed. He got under the sheets and I curled into him. He wrapped his arms around me,

"This right here," I said, "This is all I need in life. Nothing else."

"Alright," he said, "lemme take that ring back than-"

"NO!" I said, and he started laughing.

"I lied," I said, "maybe a couple other things." I closed my eyes and snuggled closer to him, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Ughhh," I groaned, "who is that."

"I don't know," said Cameron, "wait here."

I sat in bed until he got downstairs to the door, than I stood at the top of the steps to see what was going on.

It was Adam.

What was he doing here at 11:30 at night?

"Where is she?" He asked, "i've been trying to call her and she hasn't answered."

"Dude," said Cameron, "it is 11:30 at night. What the hell are you doing here at this hour?"

"Making sure you didn't kill my sister," he said, "now where is she?"

"Chill," said Cameron, "she's upstairs." All of a sudden he pushed passed Cameron and made his way to the bottom of the staircase. I ran back into the bed and pretended to be sleeping.

Something wasn't right.

"Adam, this is not okay." Said Cameron, who followed him up the stairs. Both walked into the room at the same time.

Holy shit, I thought, what the hell is going on?

"You have 5 seconds to leave this apartment." Said Cameron through gritted teeth. I squinted my eyes so that I could see what was going on, but still look asleep at the same time.

"Oh yeah tough guy," said Adam, "what are you gonna do about it? I can have you out of her life any time I want." He took out a gun, and said, "whether its her choice, or mine." He pointed the gun to Cameron's face, and it took everything in me not to scream.

I slowly sat up and watched as this was all happening. I opened the drawer next to me and pulled out the mini pistol that Cameron's been hiding. He didn't know that I knew he had it. I knew it was because he didn't want to scare me, so I didnt say anything about it. He needed it to feel safe.

"Lower the gun." I said pointing it at his head. He laughed at me, and than put the gun on the floor and lifted his hands up,

"Lets not do anything we'll regret," he said, "after all, I am your only family. I'm just a concerned brother."

"And i'm a concerned sister," I said sarcastically, "i'm concerned for your mental health." Just than you could hear a group of men running up the stairs. It was the police. Cameron and I were given a button that automatically calls the police for if we were ever in trouble. It truly came in handy.

"Hands behind your back." Said the chief, and Adam rolled his eyes,

"So you're not really my brother." I said.

"No shit sherlock." He said, and was escorted out of the room.

"Cameron," I said, "I am so sorry I didn't listen to you."

"Don't be ridiculous," he said, "to be honest, I just got so turned on by your badass-ness." He winked at me and I laughed.

"You don't have to worry about him anymore," said one of the officers, "his name was noah keller, and we've been looking for him for years. He's a drug smuggler, so I have no idea what he'd want with you two."

"Weird." Said Cameron, but we both knew he wanted us to get to my parents, "well thank you for your help." We all went downstairs to let them out, and once the door shut, I started crying.

"We have to leave again, don't we?" Said Cameron. I nodded,

"I'm so sorry," i said, "this is all because of me."

"Gabby, stop it." He said, "as long as i'm with you, i'd move every week if I had to." I smiled,

"The good news is we can live wherever we want now, since we're over 18."

"Okay," he said, "so where do you want to go."

"Hm," I thought, "how do you feel about Hawaii?"

Heyyyy im doing good on the updates!!
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