The beginning of a new start

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If you asked me when I was seven years old, If I'd be living in the witness protection program for the rest of my life, I wouldn't know what to tell you. I would say, "you are insane! You have no idea what you're saying! I live a normal family I would never hurt me and never risk anything if it meant losing me." But I was wrong. None of that was ever true.

I had no family. Well, unless that is you consider the Dallas family my new family, but it would be very difficult to see them all the time. In a way, I had deprived them of their son. God, I was in love with their son, and well, Hunter's brother. I loved him more than words described. I knew we would be happy together in our new life, but I wanted him to see his family, as much as I wanted to see them too.

Truthfully, I don't know how this all works. I've never had a situation where I've fallen so madly in love with one of the family members, but it's come down to this. Cameron saved my life, therefore, he has to come and live with me in New York City, and it won't be often that he gets to see his family. He'll probrably have to meet them secretly in the middle nowhere. I don't know, that's just my guess.

But now that I'm 18, I get to do things more freely. I think. Holy shit how does this work?

Well i'm guessing that I get to live more freely. Maybe go to concerts and everything. And i'm getting my degree online, which should give me more time to do whatever I want. I'll just have to be careful.

"It's beautiful." I said. Cameron and I were now living in an NYC penthouse. His parents bought it for us. It was perfect.

"Just like you." He said, and I blushed.

"So this is it," he said, "This is our life."

"Yeah," I said, "I guess it is." I looked at him closely. He was perfect.

"So," he said, "You know we have to have this talk eventually." When he said that, a million thoughts ran through my head,

Does he not want to be here? Of course not, he wants to be with his family!

Does he still like me that way?

Will this work out?

Is he scared out of his mind?

He wants to break up!


But no. He didn't say any of that,

"When are you ready?" I looked at him confused,

"Ready for what?" I asked. He gave a sexy smirk and I just wanted to melt,

"Sex." He whispered, and grabbed my hips. His straight-forwardness was such a turn on.

"Wow, I said, that's straight forward." He chuckled,

"That's the only way I roll." He said, and I felt his lips slowly move down to my neck. His hands slid up and down my body, and I wanted him more than anything. I was ready. He was all I ever wanted.

"Right now."


hehehehe kind of a weird way to start the first chapter but I realized I forgot this whole part in the first book. Haha until next chapter!! Spead the word about the sequel!! love you all so much xoxo

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