"Guess what, My girlfreinds a werewolf"

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Reality hit Amy hard as she suddenly realised she'd just spilled all of the slayer community's secrets to a bunch of Vampire, how could this happen she thought. Just then she felt Niall waving his hand infront of her. 

"Hello?" he said. 

"What the hell are you doing!?" she snapped, Amy suddenly realised that she was untied and she swung her fist round hoping to connect with Nialls jaw, no such luck. Niall saw the fist coming and grabbed her wrist stopping her movement alltogether.

"I was just seeing if you were out of that dam trance Zayn put you in for god sake!" Niall huffed as he relised her wrist from his painful grip. 

"Well obviously I'm out of it! What did he do to me!" Amy hissed. Niall rolled his eyes at her as he crossed his arms at her.

"Relax his just hypnotised you".

 Amy gauped at him.

 "He what!" she snapped. She knew some vampires had powers but she'd never heard of a vampire that could hypnotise his prey.

Amy suddenly realised that she was alone in the room with Niall. It was strange thinking that if she'd been in the room with Niall and he wasn't a vampire she'd be wetting herself with exitment but now all she felt was fear. Niall could feel Amy's fear, he felt self loathing as well, so was this what he had become? A monster? Somthing humans feared at night? Somthing that they killed to protect themselves? Evil?

Niall didn't notice that as he began to wallow in his own saddnes and guilt it started to rain outside. Amy watched as the Vampires expression turned from enoyed to sad...very sad, Amy couldn't help the spot of pity that blended in with her fear. 

"Are you going to let me go?" she asked cowardly.

Niall let out a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair "At some point yes but I'm not sure how long your going to stay here with us intill then". 

Amy flopped onto a bed defeated then she felt hard lump in her trouser pocket and she remembered, her phone! She could call the slayer comunity and tell them about this, now all she needed to do was get away from Niall for a few seconds to do it....mmm.

Louis and Eleanor were getting ready to leave after begging and pleading Eleanor had finaly agreed to meet Louis again and they could talk about the pack and her werewolf abilitys somewhere else. Louis and Eleanor stood outside the resteraunt about to go different ways, Eleanor said uncomfortably "So this dates been uh intersting". 

Louis gave a chuckle "Yeah we should do it again sometime".

Eleanor looked up suprised at Louis calm nature, she tried to be serious but Louis personality was infectios and despite the seriousness of the situation she found herself smiling to then she frowned "Arn't you getting a taxi?" Eleanor asked him.

 For a moment Louis was caught of gaurd as his brain tried to find an logical lie not the truth, I was planning on running home so he advently said "Oh I'm taking the bus".

 Eleanor nodded accepting this answer but her brain was telling her there was somthing wrong about it.

Only when Louis walked of out of site that Eleanor realised that the bus's were not running today...

At the apartment Amy walked over to one of the doors silently, Nialls eye's narrowed as he demanded "what are you doing!?"

Amy snapped "Going to the bathroom! You're not going to follow me in there as well!" 

Niall said irritable "I wasn't planning to!" 

He crossed his arms defiantly and turned around as she closed the bathroom door. Amy waited intill she couldn't hear Niall any more then sat on the toilet seat, her heart beating faster and what she was about to do.

I Accidentally Turned One Direction Into Vampires!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang