Sister R.I.P?

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About 10 minutes, one direction and Amy, Amber and Perrie finaly place where Harry used to be...
Amber groaned "We missed him!"

"Where is he now?" Amy asked looking around nervously.

Louis frowned and then sniffed the air then he stiffened two familer scents caught him of gaurd.

"Guys, his still here as well as one other shadow" Louis said slowly.

They all stiffened as they all apart from Amy could smell the familer scent.

The smell was much stronger than before and suddenly

"Well well, look what we have here..."
The cold voice sent shiverds down their spines as they all spun around and saw...

Harry was leaning on one of the walls smirking broadly, his hands were in his pockets as he watched the group.

Amy noticed his eyes know longer were all black, she could see the whites of his eyes again but they were still a hollow black, like a never ending cold tunnel.

She Shuddered.

Amber studied Harry was it her or did he look even taller and more muscled than before? His black shirt looked even tighter on him.

"Wheres the slayer?" Amy demanded feeling the urge to protect her freinds.

Harry said mockingly "She's a bit preocupied at the moment, you know being dead an all"

Amy fear dissapieard, "you.." she growled, overcome with anger she tried to leap at him but was held back by Niall.

Harry grinned nastily at her "but she did know you though, she was out looking for you Ams"

Amy stiffened "who was she?" she asked feeling dread overwhelm her.

Harry pretended to be deep in thought "I think her name was...hold on...oh yes, Rose"

Amy paled dramaticly and tears slowly came down "What?" she whisperd hoping she heard him wrong.

Harry gave a cold laugh "yes she was the best I've ever tasted"

He added slyly "she was a good fighter better than you at any rate..but you already knew that didnt you? I bet your sister wouldn't be to happy with you now, associanating with vampires? tut tut"

Everyones eyes widened as they stared at Amy.

"Wait..your what?" Niall asked gaping at Amy.

Niall asked her "you have a sister?"

Amy whisperd still in shock "I-I...did!"

"You mean you have" Harry said smirking.

Amy blincked confusion was written over her face.

"You mean you have got a sister" Harry grinned and added "Right Rose?"

"Right" a emotionless voice said behind them.

Everyone spun around to see, Rose was standing there she...smirked at them?

Amy gasped at her sister, Rose was now extreamly pale, her teeth sharper and her eyes

Rose looked different, she was sneering at them and her eyes were glinting dangerously and hungrly in Amy direction

She was a shadow, Harry had turned her.

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