Getting Back Some Of Our Best Friends.

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Harry walked over to Zayn first, who watched him with calculating eyes.

"Zayn?" Harry asked nervously.

Zayn growled "What?" his voice was so different. His red eyes seemed to make his face look more sinister, unlike Niall the darkness seemed to suit Zayn which made Harry feel even more nervous.

"Look man, you don't need to do this" Louis said.

Zayn sneered at him "Why not? You were just as eager to join in a couple of minutes ago!"

Liam joined in "Yeah"

Liam looked at Louis and Harry and steped towards them, his voice was different like Zayns, it was cold and had a dangerous edge to it "Don't you feel it? Aren't you tempted? Your acting like it didn't happen, that you never gave into what's now inside us!"

Zayn saw what Liam was trying to do and chuckled darkly "Don't you feel it? Didn't you like it when that woman's blood poured down your throat Harry? Didn't you love the taste of it? Warm, sweet, delicious"

Harry was trembling slightly, his eyes began to darken as he thought about the blood.

Louis saw this and nudged Harry, Harry shook his head to get himself out of the daze.

"Stop it!" he hissed at Zayn.

Zayn just smirked at him in response.

Liam smiled nastily and started to talk again "Ha, can't deal with it Haz? What about you Louis? Remember how you attacked Harry? How you killed that man but broke his ribs before you did it? Remember how good his pain made you feel? Don't you want to feel that again?"

A angry growl ripped from Louis throat as he crouched slightly as he stared at Liam extremely pissed off, Liam laughed coldly at him "What? Want to have a go at me? I'm just telling the truth"

Zayn said "Exactly, why don't you want the truth?"

He turned to Harry and said while he took a few steps towards him "Do you know how much that girl that you killed begged and screamed before you killed her? You enjoyed her misery then.." He came so close to Harry and hissed in his ear "You sank your teeth into her neck and drank her dry, she cried all the way to her death, remember how amazing her blood tasted?"

Harry felt his eyes changing colour.

"Don't" He growled at Zayn but Zayn didn't listen he was enjoying the affect it had on the younger boy as he continued to wind him up.

"How strong you felt afterwards? How eager you were that you ran after that other girl?"

Harry snapped before he knew what he was doing he had Zayn up against the wall, his eyes had turned a cold black and he was baring his teeth at Zayn, his hands were around Zayn's throat tightened incredibly.

Zayn gasped out "You can't strangle me to death, we don't breath anymore, remember!"

Zayn glared angrily at Harry, Harry snarled back "Then maybe I'll rip your bloody head off! Can you live without that Zayn?!"

The anger was controlling Harry and he could barely hear Louis trying to talk to him through the ringing in his ears.

Zayn laughed harshly at Harry

"You ganna kill me Harry?" Zayn asked mockingly.

He moved his head closer to Harry's and hissed "Do it! Prove who you are! What you are!"

Harry's hands tightened around Zayns throat but Zayn didn't fight back instead he looked gleeful.

"Harry no! We were meant to be helping them, not killing them! He's trying to make you just as bad, don't do it!!" Louis yelled even more trying to get through to Harry who's hand was tightening on Zayn neck all the time. Louis cried "Its not Zayn! Not the Zayn we know! He's being controlled and you will as well, if you do what his trying to make you do!!"

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