Chapter 1

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Bryce's POV

Ace, Jacob and I were on our way to the movies, we've all been wanting to hang out for a while, so we figured we'd hang out tonight. I was in the back seat, while Ace was in the passenger seat and Jacob was driving. I didn't know why but I had a bad feeling about tonight, I couldn't shake the feeling, but we were fine, so I didn't understand what it could be.

We finally got to the movies, we ordered popcorn and some drinks, then went into the theatre room to watch the movie. I was distracted by the movie, but after a while the feeling came back and it felt worse this time. I tried to let it go because I didn't wanna worry anyone, but my plan didn't work. "Hey, are you okay? You've been a little quiet since we got here and you look like a deer in headlights." Jacob whispered into my ear, I leaned over to whisper in his ear, "Yeah, I'm okay." That was a lie. I didn't know what was wrong and I didn't wanna tell them what was wrong, when I didn't even know what was wrong with me.

After the movie finally ended, we were on our way back to the car. I hung back behind Ace and Jacob and let myself think what could be so wrong that I'm feeling worried for no reason. I seen Jacob look back at me out of the corner of my eye. He slowed his steps and walked with me. He talked kind of quiet so Ace wouldn't hear him. "Seriously Bryce, are you okay?" I nodded, he wouldn't let it go and neither could I. "Did something happen?" I shook my head, "I promise I'm okay." I seen him shrug as we got closer to the car, "If you're sure." He started walking again but I stopped him, "Jacob." He turned back and looked at me, "What?" "I just feel worried, and I don't know why. I've been feeling like that all night and I don't understand why." He looked at me confused for a second, then walked back over to me. "It's okay, we're okay. We're going back home and we can hang out there, maybe that'll help you." I nodded, still feeling anxious and worried.

We got in the car, I sat in the passenger seat, with Ace behind me in the back seat, while Jacob drove us back to The Breezy house, my parents knew we were hanging out tonight so I knew that couldn't be what was bothering me. I thought more on what could be so wrong, then I suddenly heard Ace yell, "Jacob look out!" My head shot up, we were on the interstate, I look up to see a car slam on their brakes in front of us, Jacob turned his turn signal on to get in the left, fast lane. I immediately froze. He wasn't paying attention to the person in that lane, they ran right into us and pushed us right into the concrete barrier.

I shreked, closing my eyes. I felt my seat belt lock up and felt the car crash right into the barrier, I felt myself go forward, I gasped. I felt myself breathing really hard, I was about the hit my head on the dashboard, only to feel the airbag slam right into my head. "Ah." I felt the passenger door push in on my arm, I felt pain run through my body. I groaned as my body fell back into the seat. I closed my eyes, then opened them, slowly looking over at Jacob, he was unconscious. "Jacob..." I mumbled out, I tried moving but I felt weak, I felt my eyes starting to close, I was breathing really slow, "Wake... up." I felt dizzy, feeling like I couldn't breathe. "Jacob..." I said slowly, I felt my breathing slow more, I was starting to get scared, but I felt like I couldn't stay awake any longer. "Please..." I felt like I was spinning, then everything went black.

Ace's POV

I woke up to a throbbing pain in my side, I groaned opening my eyes. All of the airbags were out, I looked up at the front seats, Jacob had his head leaning to the left, and he was starting to come around. I moved a little, looking at Bryce, his head was tilted back against the headrest, "Jacob, Bryce. Wake up!" I heard Jacob groan, but Bryce wasn't moving at all. I tapped Bryce with a little force, but not enough to hurt him, "Bryce, wake up." I heard muffled sirens in the background, "Ace?" I heard Jacob say, "Jacob, wake up. Check on Bryce!" Jacob sluggishly looked over at Bryce, then his eyes shot open, "Bryce!" That worried me. "What's wrong? I can't see him too well." Jacob reached over shaking Bryce's shoulder lightly, "Dude, come on. Wake up." "Jacob! What's wrong?!" He looked back at me with worried expression, "I don't know, but he's bleeding." "Where?!!" "Out of his nose and his mouth. He won't wake up!" I watched as he checked Bryce's pulse on his neck and wrist, then place his hand over Bryce's heart, he gasped and started to freak out, "What is it?!" I questioned in panic. "He isn't breathing!" We heard the cops calling out to us, and after a minute they were able to pry the backdoor opened, "How many is in here?" I told him there were three, he got me out. Then they were able to pry open the passenger door, they got Bryce out and laid him down on a stretcher, then finally they got Jacob out.

I looked at the car and it was destroyed the whole front end was pushed up into the windshield and both sides were smashed in. Jacob and I were able to walk which was good. I glanced over at Bryce, I heard them talking. "We're losing him, he doesn't have a pulse." I listened in, "Bryce please be okay." I though to myself. "Andrew get on the stretcher and start compressions while we wheel him to the ambulance." I watched as he climbed onto the stretcher, on top of Bryce, straddling him as he started cpr on him. "We can't lose him." I thought as they wheeled the stretcher to the ambulance. I looked over at Jacob and he was walking over to the ambulance, one of the paramedics walked over to me and led me to the ambulance that Jacob was at. We both got in and were on our way to the hospital. "Is our friend gonna be okay?" One of the paramedics glanced at me, "I'm not sure, but let's get you two looked at and find out your parents contact information." Jacob and I talked to the paramedics. I glanced at Jacob, and he had tears running down his face, we were both worried and freaking out over Bryce.

Andrew's (Paramedic) POV

I was straddling this kids lap, giving him compressions, he had to be every bit of 17-19, "Five, Six, Seven come on kid, pull through." I counted higher hoping we would get a heart beat. Marissa, and Sabrina hooked him up to the IV, Pulse Reader, and ECG. He wasn't coming around. I was worried we were gonna lose him, "We got a pulse!" Oh thank goodness. I back off on the compressions, I watched as he opened his eyes for a second and closed them again, "Wait! Why didn't he wake up?!" Marrisa looked at the kids face, feeling around his head, "He has internal brain bleeding, we need to act fast!" We all listened to her orders, while we worked to save this kid. After a little bit, we got him stable, "His name is Bryce Parker, he's 19, he's parents are Bryan and Kathy Parker, we need to get a hold of them and let them know." Sabrina stated, I nodded. The kid was only 19, he looks so young.

Bryan Parker's POV

"Touchdown!" I seen Kathy roll her eyes playfully, "You and your football." I shook my head, about to explain why it was such a great sport, then her phone started to ring, "Hello?" "Wait what?! Is he okay?" I paused the tv so she could hear the phone call better. "O...okay, we're on our way." I started to ask her, "Who was th-" then she cut me off, frantically, "We need go! It's Bryce!" We were rushing out the door, on the way to the car, once we got in the car I turned it on, backing out of the driveway. "What's going on? Where am I going?"

I heard her sigh, trying to calm herself down. "Hospital. There was an accident and there was a wreck on the interstate." I froze for a second, "Are they okay?!" "I don't know, that was Ace's mom, she said they were on their way back to their house and they had a wreck on the interstate." I shook my head in disbelief, "Is Bryce okay?" She got quiet for a minute, "Honey, is Bryce okay?" I glanced at her to see tears in her eyes. "I don't think so..." oh please let my son be okay.

I'll Be Okay: Bryce Parker x Jacob DayWhere stories live. Discover now