Chapter 2

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Andrew's (Paramedic) POV

After he was stable, we monitored him until we got the hospital, so they could help him more. "Is this kid gonna be okay?" I asked out loud. I've worked on older people in the Ambulance, but never a teenager. "He should be." I heard a moaning noise, I looked over and seen him open his eyes. "Hey bud, you're okay. Just rest." He looked at me, and I could tell his eyes were dilated. I knew he probably wouldn't remember any of this. Resuscitation's are a finicky thing, some people remember, some people don't. Some people are happy and okay, other doubt the situation and build anxiety and depression over time. I'm hoping this kid wouldn't be the latter and that he'll be okay. "W-what.. happened?" I smiled softly. "You'll be okay." I looked over at Marissa, "Do we?" She nodded and handed me the syringe, we needed to give him anastasia so the doctor's could look him over better and possibly sedate him if they needed too.

"You'll be okay Bryce. I'm gonna give you an injection okay, just relax and rest, okay?" He looked at me confused, I gently moved his arm out, looking for a vein. Once I found one I injected him. "Just rest. You'll be fine." I watched as his eyes slid closed. We were almost at the hospital and hopefully he'll be okay there.

Bryan Parker's POV

Once we made it to the hospital, we ran right in. We went up to the reception desk, "Hi we're Bryce Parker's parents, we're here to see him." She nodded and told us where to go. We nodded and sped walked to the elevator, we got on the second floor and walked to his room, before we made it in we seen Ace sitting in a chair outside the door. "Ace!" Kathy called out to get his attention. He stood up and ran over to hug her, "I'm so sorry! He... he... they won't tell me anything." She nodded, "It's okay sweetie, this isn't yours or Jacob's fault okay. What happened?" Ace explained to us what happened, "We were on our way back from the movies, this car in front us slammed on their brakes and so Jacob started getting into the left lane and a car hit us and pushed us into the concrete barrier. Bryce's heart stopped, one of the paramedics got on the stretcher with him and he started doing cpr on him." Kathy and I both nodded in tears.

Before we were about to go in, the doctor walked over to us. "Hi, you must the Parker's." We both nodded and he continued, "I'm Dr. Mike Johnson, I'll be Bryce's doctor. He's okay, he gave the paramedic's a little scare at the sight. The impact from the airbag pushed enough force into his head to cause a bit of brain bleeding, it's nothing to worry about, they caught it in time. Due to the brain bleeding, it caused a drop in his heart rate and caused him to flatline for 3 minutes, they got his heart going again, and he's breathing fine. We have him sedated to let his body heal from his heart stopping, we'll monitor him and keep a close eye on his heart rate for the next few days, but he should recover fine." My wife and I nodded and the doctor led us into the room. Once we walked in, we noticed a nasal cannula in his nose, an IV in his arm, along with a pulse reader on his finger, and he was hooked up to an ECG.

Ace walked in behind us and I heard him suck in a deep breath. We all sat down in the chairs, I turned to Ace. "How are you and Jacob?" He looked at me shocked for a second, then looked down at his hands, "We're okay. I just have a concussion and a couple of bruised ribs. Jacob broke his nose and has a concussion. Is he gonna be okay?" I pursed my lips, looking at my son, who was unconscious in the hospital bed. "I hope so. The doctor said that his brain bleeding wasn't anything to worry about." I seen Ace nod.

Bryce's POV

I walked into the gym and I seen Jacob working out, I walked over to him. "Hey, when did you get here?" He glanced up and smiled at me, "I've been here for a while, waiting for you." I gave him a confused look, "Waiting for me? How did you know I'd be here, we never work out in the mornings." I seen Jacob smile again, "I just knew you'd be here." We talked for a little bit, worked out and then went back to the house.

When we got to the house, it felt different, it felt off and I couldn't place it. We walked in and suddenly I was by myself. I walked furthur in the house and realized it was my house. "Hello?" I heard footsteps in the living room, I walked over over to the living room to find my dad sitting in his chair watching football. "Hey son! You're home early." I was confused by what he meant. "Early? What do you mean?" "I thought you, Jacob and Ace were going to the movies then going back to your house?" I was, so why was I at home. "I'm suppose to be..." "Well, did something happen?" I was even more confused, "Not that I know of. What am I doing at home?" My dad turned the tv off and looked back at me. "I don't know, you tell me son."

Bryan Parker's POV

Kathy and I were sitting in Bryce's room, in silence. I watched as Bryce's chest rose and fell. At least him breathing calmed my nerves a little. I moved my chair over to the bed, and reached out to hold his hand. I sat there lost in thought and soon the Doctor came into the room, "Since it's been a full day and he seems to be doing okay, I'm going to take him off the sedation and let him wake up on his own. I don't know how long that will be, everyone is different when waking up from it. He will have a few muscle spasms, and he could hear you, so it wouldn't hurt trying to talk him awake." I nodded and we watched as they unhooked Bryce from the IV and got a different IV line hooked up to him.

We watching as Bryce started having a few muscle spasms. "Bryce, if you can hear me, you need to wake up bud. Wake up for me and your mom."

Bryce's POV

I heard these beeping noises while I was talking to my dad, "What was that?" My dad looked at me and smiled, "You need to wake up son." I was so confused, "But I am awake." I seen my dad shake his head. "You need to fight for your life, fight to live. You need to wake up champ." I looked at my dad even more confused than I was. "Fight? What am I fighting?" "Fighting to get out of here." I felt my heartbeating out of my chest, I was scared and confused. I squeezed my eyes shut.

Bryan Parker's POV

I felt something squeeze my hand lightly, I looked down to see Bryce's fingers moving against my hand. I squeezed his hand and he lightly squeezed back. "Bryce? Can you hear me?" I felt the pressure in my hand as he squeezed again. I smiled, I had hoped that he would wake up soon.

I'll Be Okay: Bryce Parker x Jacob DayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora