Chapter 4

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 It was ten before I made it into town. It was really a small city. It had been a town when I was younger and had grown a lot in the last five or six years. I didn't realize that it was growing even, until I hit twenty five and started watching the news. When I saw what was happening I started paying more attention.

It had started with more chain stores and fast food places. Then more hotels. Then the bars started, and they seemed to sprout up overnight. With all of the new places to work, came apartments and condos, and people. The people were the problem. I missed the quiet that used to be my home, though admittedly my home was still quiet, but it was a half hour drive from the city limits. I still felt out of place going to get buzzed in a bar that was located in what was once a field where my peers used to grow weed and host bonfires. Though it was kind of poetic getting drunk in the same place that I did when I was a teenager.

I parked at the theater. It was far enough away from the bars that I didn't feel the need to worry about it as much, but it was still in a parking lot with cameras. Plus it was walking distance. That was important with the heels that I was wearing. They weren't too tall, but I was only five feet nothing so every little bit helped. I was kind of feeling myself though. Maybe my grandmother was right. I needed to get out.

My heels were simple thigh high black boots, and my dress was red, long sleeved but short enough to stop just above the dress, leaving my thighs to peak-a-boo. There was also a tear drop cut out in the bust that made it feel more scandalous that it looked on. I felt strong and attractive, but also not unapproachable. I walked with my head held high, confidence was key. So my mother always said.

"ID." The man at the door said as I was walking into the bar, Khaleesi. Nerds were starting to open bars, I was here for it. I pulled out my ID. It was in my bra, along with everything else that I was going to need, all separated so that I didn't have to dig. The perks of big breasts. The man at the door took my ID and looked at it intently. I was kind of surprised. I wasn't used to getting ID-ed around here. I had grown up here, most people knew me and those who didn't must have figured that I looked old enough, or they didn't care. This man was actually doing his job, I was surprised.

"You're good." He said handing my ID back to me.

"Thanks," I said smiling at him. He looked surprised.

"Stay safe in there." He said. I paused.

"Is there something that I should worry?" I asked.

"It's just a club," He said. Club not bar. Yeah, I couldn't really call this a town anymore. "Some people act stupid. Don't be one of them. I'd hate to kick you out." He said looking me up and down. Suddenly he didn't seem quite as sweet.

"Thanks for the heads up." I said, smiling again before walking in. There was no misaking that this was a club and not a bar. Growing up all that we had around here was dive bars that you would take your kids to for a before eight PM dinner. This place was bigger then most of the supermarkets that were around here. There were two bars, a stage wherer there was a live DJ, and booths along the walls. I didn't see any tables, but there was another room. It looked like that room had a dance floor. The DJ was straight back on the other side of that, but there was a good part of the room that I couldn't see from the doorway.

I took a deep breath. I didn't have anyone that could come out with me tonight. I didn't even have anyone nearby to ask. I could have headed in the other direction and met up with my sister and her friends, but I really didn't feel like being the obviously oldest member of the group and I was getting to old to feel comfortable partying in a collage town.

I steeled my nerves and walked to the bar. I wasn't used to going out, and this was only the second time that I had gone out alone. I was definently more suited to hang out in a book store or a library, but most of them were closed at this time and my grandmother said midnight. She joked and called me Cinderella. Though mine was a minimum time out and not a deadline to be home.

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