Chapter 25

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One week later....

"I have to give it to you. I didn't think that you had it in you to do all of that." Beck said. "I thought that you would at least look away when Harvey fucked Percy to death. But you watched every second of it."

"GET THIS OFF OF ME!" Kaz was screaming in his cell. I smiled. His hands were bound behind his back. There was a castration ring on his balls. I had put them on personally. It had taken a few tries.

"No." I smiled at him. "You need to be broken in." I had to hold back a laugh at the look in his eyes. He would have killed me when we first met if he could. Kaz was the man who had tranqued me and carried me out of the store when I was kidnapped.

"I get it you are a psychotic bitch. This isn't how you kill someone. This won't kill me so what's the fucking point." He gritted out at me.

Ivan, Harvey, and Kaz were still alive. Percey had been fucked to death. There was a man called butters, I wasn't sure why and I wasn't willing to ask, that I had cut several times. He made it about halfway through the death by a thousand cuts before his heart gave out. Another of Beck's men that I had killed was a man that was known as Klyde. He had spent all of his time in his cell crying. I had stopped giving him anything to eat or drink. He died in a few day's time. A man that they called Frankie got tied with his hands above his head and I had swung a broad sword, because of course Beck had a broad sword, and tried to cut him in half. I had ended up getting the sword stuck in his side and he bled out before I could get him cut in half. Beck had pinned me down and raped me when he had seen me do that.

"I told you that I'm crazy. I have a rule about being the craziest person in the room, and none of you believed me." I shrugged.

"How do you keep getting crazier each day?" Ivan screamed from his cell. "You come up with new ways to kill but you flinch when Beck touches you. Just kill him and we will tell everyone that you are the crazy one. Okay, you win! Beck wanted to create a monster. He failed. All he did was unleash one that was already there."

"Glad we are all on the same page about who the crazy one is." I smiled, facing the wall of cells. I had gotten really good at faking this smile. It was as real as the one I had used back when I was working customer service. I don't think that I would ever be able to hold down a normal job again. If someone snapped at me I knew what it felt like to let go and snap back. I didn't think that I could ever let that go.

"You aren't going to take him up on his offer?" Beck asked. "He offered you an out. All you have to do is kill me. Isn't that what you want? To be free of me?"

"I want to be free in general. I want to be able to go where I want, when I want, because I want. I don't think that I'm ever going to get that. At least here I have an outlet for my anger over not having any real control." I shrugged. "You staking a claim on me is just the price that I have to pay. Come on. Let's get this over with." I said heading towards Ivan's cell.

"Fuck." He said as I approached his cell.

Two hours later Ivan's left leg was completely skinned. From ankle to groin. He had screamed the whole time. They had learned that I lost focus and things became more painful, because Beck was always right there to make sure I didn't accidentally kill them, if they brought up the kids that I was here to protect, or the men that coming here had forced me to lose, or my family, or anything really. So, when they screamed, there was no longer any words to it. It was just loud and mind numbing. There was something about it that reminded me of work.

"Let's go shower." Beck said. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He kept one hand behind my knees and the other one on my ass. I didn't fight. It turned him on when I did.

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