Chapter 7

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Well, there goes my job...

I think as I exit Mr. Lewis's office, my hands shaking as I grab my bag before quickly leaving the building.

With every step I take, I curse myself more and more, as the realization of just what I've done crashes over me.

I'm fired, yeh, no doubt about that. There is no way that I'll still have my job after that display, I'm absolutely sure.

And yet, I think as I walk into the little coffee shop close to the building, I can't force myself to truly regret my actions.

Sure, it probably wasn't the smartest idea, reading the riot act to my employer, especially since I doubt that I could get another job in publishing in this city, seeing as Mr. Lewis has been the only one who had dared to hire me despite Hanks blacklisting me. And still, I don't regret it.

I've never been the one to back down, to cover in fear, and the only time I'd done so, I almost lost my brother forever. I've been so afraid that day, the day my father discovered Misha's secrets, and I let it happen, too afraid to stand up for my brother.

But, what I discovered later was that fear is just an illusion, at least until I felt the real thing. The terror I felt once I finally found out what happened with Misha, was like nothing I've ever felt before, and the constant wondering if Misha would have been safe if I just did something, anything to defend him had haunted me ever since.

So, no, I can't regret what I just did, even if it means losing my job.

I smile softly as the waitress gives me my coffee and a sandwich, though I'm not even sure why I ordered it, seeing as lunch is the furthest thing on my mind at the moment, my stomach churning unpleasantly at just the thought of food.

My phone suddenly rings, making my heart start beating faster as I take it out of my bag, sure that it's my boss, but as soon as my eyes fall on the screen, Misha's name flashing, I slowly relax.


"Hey bro!" Misha's cheery voice drifted through the speaker. "You won't believe what just happened!"

I smile as Misha continues, listening to his exciting retelling of the latest gossip he heard, the tension slowly leaving my body as I do so.

I stop in front of Mr. Lewis's office, staring at the closed door as if it's going to bite me, not daring to knock.

I know that I need to go inside, to just get this over with, seeing as the man is expecting me, and still, I hover, as the word 'fired' floats through my mind in flashing lights, making my hands shake.

I shake my head to clear it, taking a big breath before releasing it slowly, and then knock on the door, waiting for a cue to go in.

"Come in." comes the quiet voice from the other side, so I go in, closing the door before slowly turning around, unwilling to look up, but I force myself to do it. I'm a brave little nugget and I'm not gonna stop now, even if the man standing on the other side of the room could crush me with one hand tied behind his back. Though, I doubt that Mr. Lewis would ever do such a thing.

Sure, he's intense and a bit short-tempered but I seriously doubt that he would ever actually hurt me.

As I finally look up, I see him standing in front of his desk, leaning slightly against it, his hands in his pockets, and his legs crossed at the ankles. It's a curious sight since I don't think that I've ever seen him anywhere else but behind his desk, always reading or working, barely glancing in my direction unless he's yelling at me about something I did wrong.

But what truly makes me pause is the look in his eyes. He's staring at me, his gaze dark and heavy but to my surprise not angry.

I came in, fully expecting to be fired as soon as he sees me, but it never happens. He stays quiet for a moment, looking at me so intently as if trying to read my mind, before he looks away, sighing almost inaudibly.

"Should I pack my things?" I ask after another moment, the suspense killing me, seeing as the man still hasn't uttered a single word. If I was going to get sacked, then I want to get it over with so I can start planning what to do next.

As soon as the words leave my mouth, the man's eyes snap up to me, slightly wide as he straightens.

"Mr. Vasiliev... Sasha..." he says, making my eyes widen slightly. He has never called me by my name, and the sound of it falling from his lips makes something deep in my chest flutter for a moment.

"I... I am not really good at talking or apologizing, but I do believe that an apology is in order right now. I am sorry for yelling at you. You were right when you said that you don't deserve to be treated like that and I apologize."

I'm pretty sure that my eyes are as wide as saucers as I stare at the man in surprise. I've been expecting so many things walking into this office, being yelled at and fired amongst the first ones on the list, but an apology ha definitely not been on it.

The man starts pacing, seeing as I say nothing, rendered mute in my surprise.

"I pride myself on being a serious businessman and I realize that I have been anything but that in regards to my behavior towards you. I try to keep my personal and professional lives separate, and usually, I manage, but I must admit that I've had a tough time doing so in the last week. Something, not really important what, happened a few days ago and I let it get to me."

He pauses his pacing for a moment, stopping in front of me, just a few inches separating us, making me realize that we have never been this close, as he looks at me. I shiver under that heavy gaze, something about our proximity making me feel short of breath as I stare back.

"I'm not making excuses, trust me, I just want you to understand that this whole thing had nothing to do with you or your performance; it was me. I know that I am not exactly the perfect boss, I expect a lot and I must confess that not many people can impress me. But you did. You are hard-working, intelligent, and kind, and I wouldn't wish to lose you. So, I apologize and I hope that we can move forward." he finishes, a small frown gracing his face as if just saying those things made him deeply uncomfortable.

I blink, then blink again, the urge to shake my head to clear it stronger than ever, as the most intoxicating scent I've ever had the pleasure of smelling fills my nose.

My mind is in scrambles as I try to make sense of what he's saying, my heart beating so fast that I fear it will soon jump out of my chest.

"Sasha?" he says, his voice quiet, barely above a whisper, the sound of my name falling from his lips once again, making me snap out of it.

"Okay." I say softly, my tongue feeling heavy in my mouth, my throat dry as sandpaper as I do so, making me frown at myself.

What the fuck is happening to me?

We stay quiet after that, staring at each other, a shiver running down my back as I find myself getting lost in that heavy gaze.

I bite my lower lip, my eyes widening slightly as Mr. Lewis's eyes fall on my mouth for just a second before quickly going back, his eyes darkening, making me gulp.

I don't know if it's just all in my head, but I could've sworn that he started to lean forward before a shrill ringing sounded off from his desk, making him jump away from me as if burnt.

He turns around in an instant, walking toward his desk to answer the phone as I excuse myself, quickly leaving the office as if the hounds of hell are on my heels, my hands shaking as I do so. 

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