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"Our lack of population growth is an issue that must be dealt with." Turgon addressed the council of his trusted lords and their advisors. "We must push for marriages, and children must come from them."

Erestor exchanged a look with Glorfindel. Everyone present knew where this was going, having heard it about twenty seven times before. Turgon would go on about the necessity of marriage, suggest outlandish incentives for marriage, and ignore reasonable suggestions; Such as creating parks for light courting that would also serve to make Gondolin an environment that people wanted to bring children into.

"It is important that our people see good relationships. If they were to see, perhaps, Glorfindel," At Turgon's mention of Glorfindel's name, the blonde's face dropped and he watched Turgon warily. Turgon, ignoring this, continued, "Court a young maiden of reasonable pedigree, and she brought him children, then people would be inspired to marry and have children of their own."

Glorfindel sat still, tense and waiting for Turgon's next words.

"My daughter, Idril, as you know, is reaching her majority very soon. It would please me greatly, Lord Glorfindel, if you were to take an interest in her. As a father, I would be comforted knowing that my daughter is in the hands of someone I trust, and an alliance with my house could be useful to your budding house." Turgon addressed a slack jawed Glorfindel directly.

"I-I would have to consider this, my lord." From Glorfindel, whose usual answers consisted of an eager 'yes'or an easy going 'yeah sure,' this was a polite 'no, but I don't know how it's best to refuse you.'

"Of course, though I imagine there will be many suitors who also wish for a chance to court my daughter, so it would be beneficial to you to begin building a friendship now." Turgon continued. Erestor could tell he wasn't the only one who was annoyed. Rog looked insulted that his time was being wasted over THIS, and even Salgant didn't seem to find any humor in the situation, and was instead turned towards his personal advisor and engaging in an entirely different conversation. Glorfindel himself looked terrified, and sent a panicked look to Ecthelion. When this did not garner a reaction, Glorfindel instead turned towards Erestor.

Erestor shrugged, though he was nervous as well. It was hard to get an idea out of Turgon's head, and Glorfindel looked positively terrified.

"If there is nothing else of great importance, your highness, might I retire to my home to consider this?" Glorfindel proposed.

"Of course. Let me know if you have any questions." Turgon smiled kindly at the lord, likely taking Glorfindel's apprehension as nervousness regarding Idril. Glorfindel stood quickly, leaving the room without hesitation. His papers were left behind him, and his personal advisor scurried forward to shuffle them into a pile.

Erestor exited the council room, planning to get some tea and snacks to bring to Glorfindel. Throughout the past decade of their friendship, Erestor's feelings had bloomed far beyond what was appropriate. Glorfindel's endlessly patient and kind demeanor could attract even the gruffest of elves. Glorfindel was always respectful of different cultures, and endeavored to listen to criticism and learn from his mistakes. Plus, he was Erestor's best source of easy going companionship that also offered fairly intelligent conversation.

Erestor's favorite times were when they would end up in Glorfindel's chambers after a private dinner, and they would sit together on the couch. They would drift closer together, often slipping into reverie with one of their heads on the other's shoulder. Erestor's favorite waking had been when he had found himself lying flat across Glorfindel's chest on a fur rug next to the fire, Glorfindel's hand resting heavily on Erestor's waist.

That had been two years ago, and Erestor had taken care not to be caught in such a compromising position again. Now, Erestor could hear frantic pacing as he used one hand to push open the door to Glorfindel's chambers, a tray of tea and biscuits balanced in the other hand. "Mellon-nin? I have brought tea."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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