Day 11: Textory

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Prompt: Write a love story on any topic and theme in the form of a text message.
Yes this was kind of inspired by the song Sophia lol
Kinda too tired to write smthn decent but whatever


Lynn: Sophia! Heyy. You've been ignoring me for a while now, did something happen? :(

Lynn: Sophia???

Lynn: Have I done something wrong?

I'm so sorry. I know I said I'd be willing to make it work somehow but I just can't :Sophia

Lynn: So you want to end this? Sophia if you really want us to be together I'll help you for us, work something out with your family. We just need to keep trying


I can't anymore, I'm tired. I think you'll be better off if we stop this, and you can find someone else. Someone who can actually be with you. : Sophia

Lynn: But Sophia, you're the person I want to be with! I don't want to look for someone else

I don't feel the same anymore :Sophia

Sorry Lynn. But thank you for the memories, you're a wonderful person. Bye :') :Sophia

Sophia blocks Lynn

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