Cold Water

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You left your room and walked downstairs to the lounge area and saw Mina sitting down with jiro and momo, you decided to sit with them and talk about what you might be doing today in class. A few minutes later the rest of your friends had made It down to the lounge area and you head to school building. You sit down at your next next to Mina and Denki, Kirishima walks in and jogs over and greets everyone with a happy smile as usual and then Mr aizawa come in and the room is now silent, he sighs "today you have warm up so you can get use to using your quirks again, grab your gym uniform and head to the field" i stand up and head to the girls changing rooms with Uraraka as we talk about how we could improve to our costumes in the future. I slipped into my gym uniform and tie my hair in into a pony tail and head to the field I was the last to be done and I trail behind the rest of my class.

I got to the field and everyone was already practicing with there quirks, I decided to practice fire breathing in my human form since I wasn't to good at it and then Uraraka asked if she could practice dogging my flames, i agreed and got ready "ready?" she asked "ready!" I breathed in as much air filling my lungs and fired flames, this went for a while and then I took a break and started sparing without use of your quirks. Moments later your class had ended. My throat was sore from breathing so much fire in training I decided to go to the nearest drinking fountain and drunk as much as I needed then I gasped for air, the water was cold and felt nice on my burning throat, I realise my voice is going to sound like I was sick for a while to. I sighed and walked to my last class for the day.

Near the end of class i ended up looking out the window and noticed that it looked like it was about to rain. The bell rang and i stayed seated for a moment before I heard a voice call out for me at and the door it was kirishima, I stand up and grab my bag and headed over to him "hey what's up" he gave me a shocked look "hey what happened to your voice" "oh nothing it's fine, I just breathed to much fire-" I stop and start coughing then continue my sentance "in training" he pats my back gently "wanna go to the shop and get something cold for your throat then?" "sure" we head out of the school grounds and out the gate to the shop kirishima was a bit quiet and it reminded me that he'd been quiet alot lately and it made me worry a little bit so I decided to ask him, I turn to him "hey kirishima, I've noticed that you've been kinda quiet lately you alright?" he was still silent for a little bit and then you started thinking if asking him if we was ok was getting annoying since you'd asked him the same question twice the day before but before you could think of anything else he answers "well I...I'm not to sure actually... I've just had alot on my mind" he said with a calm and almost sad sounding tone "what's on your mind?" I asked "well its just that-.. Ah.. Never mind its nothing haha"

Kirishimas pov

I lied which wasn't very manly of me but I couldn't tell her what was wrong, I didn't know how she'd react but I knew that it probably wasn't going to go the way I hope anyway. I told her that I was fine but it's starting to get painful though I don't know exactly how to talk to her about it. I ll change the subject I thought "so.. Anyway how was your last class" it was good! Today we did some first aid training" "oh thanks great" it went quiet again, oh man her smile is so cute... One day I'll tell her how I feel but i can't right now since Y/N already has someone she loves, maybe in a few weeks?

Y/N pov

"oh hey we're at the shop, I almost didn't notice ahah" I smile and noticed the kirishima was blushing as he turned and looked away. We entered the shop and grabbed the ice blocks we wanted and some orange juice and paid for it at the counter. We left the shop and started walking back, I opened the wrapping around my ice block and bit of a piece and sucked on it as it melted in my mouth and swollowed it felt so good on my throat, i sighed in relief and continued to bite off small pieces it was so nice I didn't actually realise kirishima had asked me how my trip was to my grandparents. He asked again and I answered this time "huh oh sorry I wasn't paying attention the first time, but yea it was really fun! We rescued a mother cat an her kittens and there so cute!" you and kirishima rambled on about your adventures and made it back to UA as the sun looked like it was about to set in about an hour, and it started raining so we had to run back

You walked into the lounge area past everyone and into your dorm, you took your jacket off and put some dry clothes on then walked back to lounge area to see everyone playing what sounded like truth or dare, card, and chatting you join them on the couch and finish your ice block and kirishima sat next to Denki. When it was late you said goodnight to the people who weren't hadn't already gone to bed and headed to your dorm and went to sleep.

Kirishimas pov

I was in my room thinking about the day while I was hitting my punching bag. "damn it" I said when I kicked the bag and slouched over breathing heavily and sweating. I grabbed some clothes and decided to have a shower and clean all the sweat off me.

When I was dressed I sat down on the side of my bed against the wall and message Denki and asked if he was still awake and he answered and I called him, I couldn't help it I needed to talk to someone about how I was feeling. Our conversation lasted 4 hours and then I said bye and went to bed, I fell asleep as soon as I put my head to my pillow.

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