The Lapis Family and friends

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Izuku Lapis Midoriya

Age: 50(looks the same as canon)

Quirk: One For All

Vision: none

Powers: elemental control(can control all 7 elements but only as strong as it's archon)

Father: Rex Lapis

Mother: Inko Midoriya

Brother: Xiao

Occupation: up and coming ruler and hero of Liyue

Friends: Yanfei, Tartaglia, Albedo, Katsuki, Aether, Yanfei, Keqing, Kazuha, Ningguang, Beidou, Arataki Itto

Love interest: Ganyu

Enemies: the abyss, lumine, La Signora, the Tsaritsa

Weapon: primordial jade vaquisher

(The spear in the image below but green)

Outfit: (make it Izuku not Zhongli and replace the oranges with green)

Outfit: (make it Izuku not Zhongli and replace the oranges with green)

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Rex Lapis

Age: 6000+

Quirk: none

Vision: none

Element and gnosis: geo

Friends: Barbatos, Raiden Ei, Raiden Makoto, Yae Miko, Nezu

Sons: Izuku, Xiao

Wife/love interest: Inko Midoriya

Weapon: the vortex vanquisher

(The weapon above)


Katsuki Bakugou

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Katsuki Bakugou

Age: 50(looks the same as canon)

Quirk: explosion

Vision: pyro

Father: Masuru Bakugou

Mother: Mitsuki Bakugou

Uncle: Diluc

Occupation: bodyguard of Izuku

Friends: Izuku, the Baku squad, Albedo, Klee, Xiao, Ganyu, Yanfei, Keqing, Kazuha

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