Chapter 1 - Return

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The train came to an abrupt stop causing Florence to jerk awake. She quickly composed herself and rubbed her eyes, trying to wake herself up for the long day ahead.

She stood up once the train came to a stop. Grabbing her suitcase and smoothing out her dress.

The doors opened and the carriage was bathed in the early morning light. Florence took a breath before stepping out into the platform, which was practically empty. She turned to her left and saw four people she missed so dearly over the past four years.

The war took a lot of people away from their homes, from their families. The three oldest Shelby boys were sent away to fight. Florence, soon after finding out they enlisted, volunteered to be a nurse and was sent away before any of the boys left.

After four years of helping soldiers, and writing to the Shelby's and her own family both on the battlefield and across the continent, Florence had finally been able to return to her childhood home next to the Shelby family.

She began her walk towards the Shelby women, minus Martha, and Finn.

Immediately breaking from his Aunt's grasp, Finn came barrelling up to the woman who was like a mother to him for years. Florence dropped her suitcase and kneeled down, opening her arms for Finn to jump into.

Finn quickly closed the gap and threw his arms around her neck, almost knocking her over with his sheer momentum, and rested his chin on her shoulder. Florence clasped her arms around his back, holding him close realising just how much time had passed since their last meeting.

"Hello my darling Finn." She said into his hair, grateful to finally have him in her arms again.

"Hello Florri!" He responded, giggling to himself; happy to have his family back together again.

The two pull away from the hug and Florence placed her hands on either side of the young boy's face.

"Look at you, you've grown so much! How old are you now, eh?" She asked, masking her sadness that she didn't get to see the boy grow up.

"I'm ten now, but I'll be eleven soon!" He responded cheerily.

"Ten? Wow you're getting big now! Catchin' up to ya brothers, eh?" She teased, grabbing Finn's hand and standing up before grabbing her luggage and moving toward two of the Shelby women.

"Yeah! I can join the family business soon."

"Oh is that so?" She said as she looked at the boy who nodded his head eagerly to which she merely smiled in return, hoping to whatever god was there that he would ultimately choose a different route to his brothers'.

"Welcome back my dear." Polly said, bringing the woman who was a daughter to her into a tight hug.

"It's so good to finally be back." She responded, inhaling the comforting, motherly scent of Polly's perfume mixed with smoke and tea.

The two pulled apart and Ada didn't hesitate before pulling her best friend into the biggest, bone crushing hug she'd ever received.

"Far out I missed ya." Ada giggled into her neck.

"The feelin was very, very, much mutual." Florence chuckled, pulling back, "I'm guessing you got my letters?"

"Of course we did. Finny here helped us write some of them, isn't that right?" Polly stated

"Yep!" He answered proudly. Florence ruffled his hair, thanking him for his very sweet and smart words.

"How's Martha?"

"She's getting there. Dealing with the kids was tough for her during the war. She's recently come down with a sickness, but she seems to be recovering." Ada answered

"If you want me to check on her, let me know." She said, giving Polly a small smile. "What about the boys? How are they?"

"Getting through it. Some more effectively than others but the three of them are doing their best." Polly answered.

"If you need help with them, again, please let me know. I've dealt with soldiers in similar headspaces for four years now." Polly and Ada both smiled and nodded at the Angel that had returned to Small Heath, not allowing for the war to break her wings.

"We should really get going, I'm sure the boys are up by now." Polly said, "But before we go anywhere," she pointed to Florence's nose and left cheek, "what has happened to you?"

Florence sighed and rubbed a hand over her face, being extra careful when touching the injured points.

"One of the soldiers I was helping a couple days ago was having a nightmare and I tried to wake him up to stop his screaming. He freaked out and punched me straight in the face. Once he realised he was very apologetic." Polly moved to touch her face, "The only damage is a broken nose and bruised cheek, nothing I can't deal with." Florence smiled.

"So this is what you call dealing with men in similar conditions?" Ada laughed. Florence flashed a grin to her.

"As long as you're not planning on getting any more."

"Of course not Pol."

"Alright let's get going. Ada could you please grab Florence's belongings," Florence went to protest, "No, I don't want to hear it. You just got off a train ride and have returned from four long years helping a bunch of men, who probably didn't listen properly, eh? Ada will grab your suitcase and you can relax your muscles and catch us up on everything on the walk home before you have to see the others."

Before any more protests could be heard, Polly begins walking with Ada who had Florence's suitcase in hand. Finn pulled on Florence's hand and the two quickly caught up to them.

"So Florence," Ada started, "Meet any cute boys in France?"


I hope you all are enjoying the first chapter!

Anyone else emotionally destroyed from season 6 so far? Cause I spent way too much time crying over it.

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