Chapter 21 - Threats

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Men poured from the betting shop as Florence approached. Scuboat stood by the door, huffing smoke from his cigarette.

"Hello Scud," Florence said as she approached him, smiling warmly. "How has your day been?" she asked the man.

"As busy as expected," he answered, puffing out smoke. The last of the men left the shop. "Come in if ya want. Tommy and Polly are inside. I'm sure they'd be happy to see you, it's been a while." He waved her in. Florence, however, hesitated. Taking a breath and pushing away her thoughts, she accepted Scudboat's invitation.

Walking into the betting shop gave Florence an immediate ill-feeling. Something was wrong but she couldn't quite place it. She continued into the main room, her heels clicking along the floorboards as she admired the building around her.

It was so different from the hospital to a point where she felt out of place. Coming from a place where everything had to be so sterile and white, to a run down makeshift betting den filled with the smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke gave a sense of whiplash.

Scudboat took his seat back at his desk as Florence turned her attention to Polly and Tommy. They mentioned John and a family meeting, but she didn't catch anything more than that.

Tommy stopped for a moment when he noticed Florence, his eyes trailing up and down her body. She sent a smile, unsure of what to say. "What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice holding a dismissive mask over concern.

Florence's face dropped. "I-uhm," her words stumbled out uncontrollably. She could barely even look him in the eye let alone form a sentence.

He put his hand up, stopping her. "Y'know what, I don't want to know." He put his cap on, the razorblades shining in the afternoon light. "Stay away from here. It's too dangerous for you,"

She stayed silent as he passed her, her eyes dropping to the ground and the ill-feeling getting stronger. In the corner of her eye she saw Polly give Tommy a frustrated look. She walked toward her, addressing Scudboat at the same time, "Scudboat, John will be here in ten minutes."

"Alright," the man said, barely looking up from his work.

"Five," Tommy undermined.

Polly stopped at Florence, placing a hand on her arm. "Would you like to join us at the family meeting, Florence?" Tommy slowled almost to a stop, waiting for her answer.

Florence shook her head. "No, Pol. I'll stay here with Scud until John comes back."

Tommy continued out the door, slamming shut after him. Polly narrowed his eyes at the exit her nephew just took before turning back to Florence. "Very well," she said, sending a small smile. Scudboat followed Polly out the door and locked it behind her.

"You alright, love?" Scudboat asked, walking toward her. "You look a bit out of it."

Florence nodded her head, leaning against the table next to Scudboats chair. "Yeah, Tommy's just..." she trailed off, unable to put a word or emotion to describe his behaviour.

"He's been on edge for weeks now," he said, throwing the keys onto their spot on his table. Scudboat placed his hand on her shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. "Nothing you need to worry about, alright love? It's just business."

"Just business," she repeated in a whisper, to herself more than anyone. With the way Tommy had been acting toward her since she was in hospital, Florence couldn't help but feel that 'business' was just a cover for something more complex. "Speaking of," she began, forcing a warmer expression on her face, "how's everything with the betting shop going?"

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